Terrorism threat to be discussed by EU

Following the recent attacks in Paris, and last week’s failed attacks in Brussels, EU foreign ministers will meet on Monday to discuss terror threats

EU ministers to discuss terrorism threat in Europe
EU ministers to discuss terrorism threat in Europe

In the wake of the deadly Paris attacks that left 17 dead, and a failed terrorist plot in Brussels, Europe is on high alert. The EU’s foreign ministers will meet later today in order to discuss security issues and the terror threats in Europe. 

The 28 foreign ministers will discuss fears concerning the return of radicalised Europeans, after going to Iraq and Syria for a period of fighting.

The AFP News Agency reports that no decisions will be taken yet, but that a range of options will be explored as a preparation for a special terrorism summit that will take place next month.

The talks will also focus on EU relations with Russia, and ministers hope they will be able to get closer to an agreement about how to deal with Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

The talks follow anti-terror raids in Belgium, France and Germany, which led to the arrest of more than 20 people.