Seven year-old British boy dies in tragic Alpine skiing accident

Seven year old British boy dies in Alpine skiing accident

According to Britsih newspaper the Guardian, a seven-year-old British boy has lost his life after accidentally skiing off-piste in the French Alpine resort of Flaine on Friday afternoon.

Mountain rescue teams believe that the child, who was skiing with his mother and siblings at an altitude of 1,500 metres, fell into a ravine after apparently taking a wrong turn off the marked slope, after reportedly asking his mother to allow him to ski down the last part of the piste on his own as they returned to the ski station.

After emergency teams alerted by the child’s family had failed to find him, a rescue helicopter discovered his body at the foot of a steep rocky escarpment.

According to local newspaper the Dauphiné Liberé, a mountain rescuer said that the boy had gone over a rocky outcrop and then fallen between 50 and 100 metres.

A fire officer added: “He died instantly, most probably around two hours before we found him.”

An investigation has been opened to establish the exact circumstances of the accident. Police chief Patrick Poirot, head of the mountain rescue division in nearby Annecy, said: “Specialists are at the scene to try to determine exactly what happened and understand every element that led to this tragedy.

“We think that, after losing his parents, the little boy didn’t know where to go and skied in the wrong direction. He left the marked ski slope and probably skied to the top of a cliff. He then stopped, removed his skis, walked a little way, then fell,” Poirot added.