John Dalli to push full smoking ban across European Union

The European Commission announces it is preparing to introduce legislation in 2011 to ban smoking in public places right across the union. reports that European Commissioner for health and consumer policy John Dalli is about to push for a complete ban on smoking in public spaces, transport and the workplace, he told German daily Die Welt.

Brussels is currently preparing a bill to be brought forward next year, Dalli said.

The commissioner added that exceptions would no longer be tolerated: “the matter is not only about the health of visitors, but also the employees.”

The Maltese government is already on its way to a full smoking ban. By 2013 it will ban smoking inside ‘designated smoking rooms’, which previously allowed smokers to get their fix inside public places.

Designated rooms are enclosed spaces inside restaurants and bars, which according to law must be totally separate from non-smoking areas, have walls from floor to ceiling and be situated in such a manner that they do not require non-smokers to pass through them.

Even the e-cigarette – a tobacco-free device that replicates the sensation of a traditional cigarette by means of an electronic simulation – is headed for the full ban.

Dalli said the new EU law would attempt to reduce the amount of nicotine and other toxic substances contained in the product, and make packaging as unattractive as possible.

“The more uniform and bland packaging the cigarettes are, the better,” Dalli said, who added smoking was killing 650,000 Europeans every year.

Malta has also passed a law to remove tobaccco adverts displayed at close proximity. It also bans the use of lotteries and other gift schemes for the promotion and advertising of any cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco products.

The smoking ban had different levels of success in the different EU member states. In Belgium, people are still allowed to smoke in establishments that do not serve food.

The Greek Health Minister, Andreas Loverdos, has admitted a failure of the 2009 smoking ban, saying that eight out of ten bars openly violated the law.

In Bulgaria, after being in force just for three days, the full smoking ban was officially abolished as of June 4 with the reason that the relaxation of the ban would avoid hurting the tourist industry during tough economic times.

Bulgaria ranks second after Greece in the EU in terms of number of regular smokers as a percentage of the population, according to a Eurobarometer survey.

On 19 October the Commission is going to present a report on cloned animals. John Dalli is going to propose temporary suspension of the production, import and marketing of cloned animals, but no measures for their offspring. This means that people would be eating the meat of offsprings from cloned animals. This is similar to the GMO potato that had not been approved for years by the Commission but was approved by John Dalli as soon as he became a Commissioner. Another issue concerns Bisphenol A which is a chemical used in plastics including baby feed bottles. This is what Jophn Dalli said. “The opinion delivered by EFSA last week confirms the current tolerable daily intake, but it also directs to areas of uncertainty, based on new studies... the relevance of these findings for human health cannot be assessed,“It cannot be excluded that there might be an effect on development, immune response or tumour promotion”. It is true that John Dalli said that he had taken note of the fact that France and Denmark have adopted measures to restrict the use of BPA in feeding bottles due to the risks to infants. But any bets that the tone used means that John Dalli and the Commission will find an objection to removing the use of Bisphenol A from plasticsaid used for food items?
so a new dictator is rising to put us in a cage by this old fasion thinker if you ban this ban also ALCOHOL/DIESEL/PETROL and a whole list more because a lot of things are very bad for us. What about the tax on these items all goverments agree from the 27 nations we don t collect anymore from these items. Dear Mr. Dalli it s better you retire and stay at home and read something you are not from this time leave it to new blood young people we wont,thank you.By the way i am a non smoker.
Keith Goodlip
It's no good introducing these kind of legislations where there is no will to enforce them.