Western nations condemn Islamic State’s ‘barbaric’ executions in Sirte

France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States appeal to Libyan parties 'aspiring to a peaceful and united nation' to join efforts in fighting IS

France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States have condemned the latest “barbaric” executions by the Islamic State militant group in the Libyan city of Sirte.

“We are deeply concerned about reports that these fighters have shelled densely populated parts of the city and committed indiscriminate acts of violence to terrorize the Libyan population,” the seven western countries said in a joint statement.

The majority of Sirte fell into the hands of IS at the end of May, but a fierce battle with local militants for the city’s eastern district, known as “neighbourhood three” has been ongoing since Tuesday. 

The Associated Press reported on Sunday from the Sirte battleground that IS militants beheaded 12 people and crucified their bodies. According to the local LANA news agency, IS militants also killed 22 wounded Sirte residents while they lay in their hospital beds, before burning the entire hospital down.

Following the attacks, Libya’s internationally recognized government warned that it could no longer fight the IS advance by itself and appealed for support from the international community.

“The Libyan government, unable to ward off these terrorist groups because of the arms embargo, and out of its historic responsibility towards its people, calls on brotherly Arab countries…to launch airstrikes against specific IS targets in Sirte in coordination with our concerned bodies,” the Tobruk-based government said.

In their statement, the seven western nations appealed to all Libyan parties aspiring to a peaceful and united nation to join efforts to combat “transnational terrorist groups exploiting Libya for their own agenda”.

They reiterated their support for the ongoing peace talks led by UN special envoy Bernardino Leon, as well as their belief that the Libyan conflict cannot be solved militarily.

“The deplorable developments in Sirte underscore the urgent need for parties in Libya to reach agreement on forming a Government of National Accord that, in partnership with the international community, can provide security against violent extremist groups seeking to destabilize the country,” the nations said. “We stand ready to support the implementation of a political agreement to ensure that a Government of National Accord and its national institutions can function effectively and meet the urgent needs of the Libyan people.”