Researchers detect 'new strain' of Swine flu

The H1N1 swine flu virus may be starting to mutate, and a slightly new form has begun to predominate in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, researchers have reported.

More study is needed to tell whether the new strain is more likely to kill patients and whether the current vaccine can protect against it completely, said Ian Barr of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in Melbourne, Australia and colleagues.

"However, it may represent the start of more dramatic antigenic drift of the pandemic influenza A(H1N1) viruses that may require a vaccine update sooner than might have been expected," they wrote in the online publication Eurosurveillance.

It is possible it is both more deadly and also able to infect people who have been vaccinated, they said.

Flu viruses mutate constantly, this is why people need a fresh flu vaccine every year. Since it broke out in March 2009 and spread globally, the H1N1 swine flu virus has been very stable with almost no mutation.

WHO declared the pandemic over in August but H1N1 has now taken over as the main seasonal flu strain circulating almost everywhere but South Africa, where H3N2 and influenza B are more common. The current seasonal flu vaccine protects against H1N1, H3N2 and the B strain.

"The virus has changed little since it emerged in 2009, however, in this report we describe several genetically distinct changes in the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus," Barr's team wrote in the report,.

"These variants were first detected in Singapore in early 2010 and have subsequently spread through Australia and New Zealand."

The changes are not significant yet, they said. But there have been some cases of people who were vaccinated also becoming infected, and also some deaths.

But there is not enough information to tell whether there may have been other factors making the patients more vulnerable, they stressed.

"It remains to be seen whether this variant will continue to predominate for the rest of the influenza season in Oceania and in other parts of the southern hemisphere and then spread to the northern hemisphere or merely die out," they wrote.

WHO says 18,450 people worldwide are confirmed to have died from H1N1, including many pregnant women and young people. But WHO says it will take at least a year after the pandemic ends to determine the true death toll, which is likely to be much higher.

Seasonal flu kills an estimated 500,000 people a year, 90 percent of them frail elderly people, according to the WHO. The 1957 pandemic killed about 2 million people and the last pandemic, in 1968, killed 1 million.

Well there were plenty of experts in the local media who without the slightest knowledge of medice, no scientific training and not even informed on historical facts - came foward with a blog or an opinion column. They choose to appeal to the the equally unqualified public and instead of congratulating the world health orginization for helping humanity dodge a bullet - choose instead to denigrate the work and effort of better qualified people. We could have talked at the break neck speed that which a vaccine was prepared - a truly remarkabel achievement and a milestone in humanity ageless battle against desease. We could have talked on how in todays connected world, where a passenger can infest the other side of the planet in less than 24hours, we still managed to contain the situation. Getting back to one of the local experts, she decided to take time off from hitching a free ride on the women's equality bandwagon and offer her expert opinion. She would have done better to maybe explain, how, when it comes to corruption and money-laudering of tax payers money - truly corruption has no gender preference. Then again, when it comes to societies, parasites don't necassarily come in microscopic dimensions. The beauty of it all, however, is that the H1N1 swine flu doesn't really care about blogs and opinion. It has 4 billion years of evolutionary history behind it and a chance to roll the dice trillions and trillions of time until it hits the jackpot.