Strikes block French fuel depot

Early this morning, dockers have restored their blockade on a big fuel depot in the south of France.

The biggest oil depot in the south of Fance at Fos-sur-Mer, was blocked by union members opposing to plans to raise France’s retirement age. Around 200 demonstrators blocked off several petrol tankers.

France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy went on with his plan to raise the country’s retirement age this week despite a new wave of strikes, rallies and fuel blockades.

At least one petrol station in four around the country has run dry, amid strikes at refineries and blockades of fuel depots by strikers.

French university students are planning to march tomorrow and trade unions have called their campaign’s seventh one-day nationwide strike and day of rallies on Thursday.

The pensions reform bill was approved by the Senate on Friday and today the text will be reconciled with the draft passed earlier by the lower house.