Video | Islamic Jihad marks 15 years since the slaying of it's leader in Malta

The Islamic Jihad in Gaza marked the 15 th anniversary since the assasination in Malta by Israeli agents of its founder Fathi Shqaqi.


Marking the 15th anniversary of the assassination of Islamic Jihad founder Fathi Al-Shqaqi, Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki said that Al-Shqaqi was a one-of-a-kind hero, who isolated himself from everything but martyrdom and the elevation of the ummah.

He noted him along with Yasser Arafat and his deputy Abu Jihad (assassinated in 1988 in Tunisia) as leaders who worked for the Palestinian cause, adding, "We so badly need him, 15 years later, when things are going downhill. People like him are a spark of hope."