Denmark votes No on EU cross-border policing legislation

The government, backed by the opposition, had campaigned for Yes, saying it would help Danish authorities in the wake of the Paris attacks.

Danes have rejected adopting EU rules on cross-border policing in a referendum that could have seen the country take closer ties with the bloc, according to final results.

Denmark's centre-right government had wanted to abandon some Danish opt-outs from EU home affairs legislation.

But with all votes now counted, more than 53% said No to the proposals.

The vote comes weeks after the Paris attacks and as Europe struggles to deal with record numbers of migrants.

"It is a clear no," Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said, adding he had "full respect" for the voters' decision.

The government, backed by the opposition, had campaigned for Yes, saying it would help Danish authorities in the wake of the Paris attacks.

The result means Denmark will have to negotiate a special agreement to stay inside Europol, the EU's law enforcement agency which tackles organised crime and terrorism.

"We will work very hard for the Danes to get the best possible agreement. But it will be difficult," Soren Gade of the governing Venstre party told the Ritzau news agency.