Updated | Islamic State claims responsibility for Jakarta attacks

IS claims reponsibility for attacks by gunmen on a shopping mall in the Indonesian capital that left two people dead 

Jakarta police suspect that Bahrun Naim was the mastermind behind the attacks
Jakarta police suspect that Bahrun Naim was the mastermind behind the attacks

The Islamic State (IS) militant group has claimed responsibility for a series of deadly explosions and gun attacks in the Indonesian capital Jakarta.

IS released a statement online claiming that the attacks were carried out by "soldiers of the Caliphate" and had targetted "citizens of the Crusader coalition" against the group.

At least two civilians and five attackers died in the assaults in a major business and shopping district in Jakarta, in what has been described as an attempt to mimic the deadly Paris attacks of 13 November.

Jakarta Police chief Tito Karnavian said that Indonesian national Bahrun Naim - who has been known to the authorities since at least 2010 and is currently thought to be in Syria - had been "planning [the attacks] for a while".

The assault began late morning local time, when blasts struck near a Starbucks cafe and police security post, in an area close to embassies and government buildings.

Gunmen fled to the Djakarta Theater, part of the same complex that houses the Starbucks, where a standoff developed with police.

Explosions and gunfire rang out for hours before police declared the situation under control. Police said that two of the attackers were killed in a suicide bombing, with the other three killed in gun battles with police.

A further 20 people were injured in the attacks, including five police officers. Bodies of the militants killed were left sprawling on the street.

Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim country but is largely secular. It was on high alert over the new year period following threats from IS. Around 200 Indonesians are estimated to have travelled to Syria to fight with IS.