Video | China Church ordains bishop, overruling Vatican objection

China's government-backed Catholic Church ordained a bishop who lacked the pope's approval - despite Vaticanobjections and statements that the move was "illegitimate" and "shameful."

China's first ordination without papal approval in almost five years threatens to hurt the officially atheist country's already shaky relations with the Vatican.

The Holy See had already warned that reconciliation efforts would be hindered if bishops were forced to attend the ceremony. Hong Kong's cardinal, a key adviser to the pope, even called the event "illegitimate" and "shameful."

However it was not immediately clear whether bishops loyal to the pope had been forced by government officials to attend the ordination or not, as the Vatican had initially feared.

Rev. Guo Jincai's ordination at Pingquan Church in Chengde city was supported by a strong security presence as dozens of police blocked the building and denied entrance to reporters. But there was also festivity in the air, as colourful banners and traditional Chinese lanterns hung outside the church and worshippers posed for photos.

Communist China had forced its Roman Catholics to cut ties with the Vatican as far back as 1951, and worship is allowed only in state-backed churches. However millions of Chinese belong to unofficial congregations loyal to Rome.

In recent years, under Pope Benedict XVI, relations between China and the Vatican have steadily improved. Disputes over appointments in China's official church have been, up to now, avoided by quietly conferring on candidates, leading to several ordinations of bishops with the Holy See's blessing.

However, Guo does not have the pope's approval and it was perhaps his role as deputy secretary of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, the state-controlled group that runs China's Catholic churches, that raised Vatican concerns.

Like any virus or cancer, the Roman Cult is a parasite attacking the body of the world While this article unfortunately has required a fair number of words to expose four indisputable facts “hidden in plain sight” that prove the Vatican is Evil, the evidence speaks for itself. Once a reader or listener understands that we are discussing a parasite –like any virus or cancer—that lives off the good will and kindness of ordinary Catholics, then hopefully they understand that in exposing the Vatican as the epicenter of evil in no way reflects negatively against the Catholic Church, Catholics and Christians in general. The Roman Cult is the parasite, not the Catholic Church. The Roman Cult is responsible for much of the evil in the world for the past 1,000 years including now the global recession that is threatening to become a global depression. Hopefully once good people wake up to the fact that when we discuss the Vatican we are talking about a criminal conspiracy involving just a few thousand people who consider themselves the elite rulers of this world—not the hundreds of millions of good Catholics and Catholic clergy—then these people will finally be exposed. Once exposed, we can start to work on a cure.
Yet for all that is said and written about the Vatican being home to a dangerous “parasitic” cult –and the epicenter of a global network of evil for nearly 1,000 years—the proof for many people often seems farfetched, convoluted and unproven. For one thing such claims appear to contradict the fact that the Catholic Church is involved in important charitable work, in health care, in education and vital overseas aid across the world. Many millions of ordinary Catholics are employed and continue to volunteer to help make their communities and the world a better place. In addition, there are many examples over the years under Pope John Paul II and now Pope Benedict XVI where the Vatican has made public statements against evil, against war, violence and terror. So how possibly could such an organization that invests so much time, money and resources into seemingly “helping” the world be simultaneously the “epicenter of evil”? The purpose of this short article it to demonstrate clear and unmistakable proof that the Vatican is Evil and that it has been the epicenter and controller of global networks of evil for nearly thousand years. Furthermore that this proof has been “hidden in plain sight” for anyone to see for at least seventy years. Finally, that the apparent contradiction of the Catholic Church doing so much good and yet the Vatican being the epicenter of Evil can easily be explained when one understands that the people who control the Vatican belong to a cult known as the “Roman Cult” and have absolutely nothing to do with the founding of the Catholic Church or the beliefs of ordinary good Catholics. Proof # 1 – The evil religious ritual word known as “Holocaust” The word Holocaust is oldest theologically correct term still used in relation to the official doctrine of satanists in the burning of people alive. The word “Holocaust” is at least as old as the 3rd Century BCE and comes from the ancient Greek word holokauston, meaning “a completely (holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering”, or “a burnt sacrifice offered to God”. The term has always meant the specific ritual of murdering innocent human beings as animals by burning as defined by the ancient Phoenician/Samaritan/Sadducee/Punic religion to Moloch and his name variances. Because these priest-king family bloodlines have traditionally considered all other human beings as “sheep and cattle”, the word Holocaust is frequently and deliberately misrepresented as “only applying to animals”. The word Holocaust fell out of general use for almost 1,400 years until it was famously resurrected by Pope Pius XII, the Vatican and the Roman Cult after 1948 as the official and legal description of mass human sacrifice by burning of over 18 million innocent people in Russia and Poland. To ensure the word is continued to be used, the Vatican and Jesuits ensured that laws were introduced to make “Holocaust Denial” a crime–in other words, to deny that the 18 million innocents of World War II were not burnt alive as a sacrifice (to Moloch) is a criminal offence. In recent years, the Vatican has funded the Holocaust Denial movement to ensure the word remains one of the most controversial and evil labels still in use.
Storm in a tea-cup i would say. The actual number of Catholics in china is less than 0.061 per cent,and if you take away the number of Catholics from the ex-European colonies Hong Kong and Macau the actual number in mainland china is infinitesimal, less than 0.022%. This is all a power game between two giants.