African Union to launch all-Africa passport

African Union plans to introduce common passport that will allow visa-free access across the continent 

The African Union has announced plans to launch a common passport that will grant visa-free access to all 54 member states.
The electronic passports will be unveiled at the AU summit in Kigali, Rwanda, later this month, where they will be issued to heads of state and senior officials. The AU plans to distribute them to all African citizens by 2018.

“This flagship project has the specific aim of facilitating free movement of persons, goods and services around the continent – in order to foster intra-Africa trade, integration and socio-economic development,” the Union said in a statement.

The passports represent a key plank of the Agenda 2063 action plan, which emphasizes the need for greater continental integration, drawing on the popular vision of Pan-African unity. Freedom of movement has been a longstanding priority among member states, as enshrined in previous agreements such as the 1991 Abuja Treaty. Common passports have already been adopted for several regions, such as the Economic Community of West African States.

AU Director for Political Affairs Dr. Khabele Matlosa said that opening borders will have a profound effect for workers at the lower end of the scale.

"We have a problem now that young people are risking their lives to cross the Sahara Desert or travel on boats to Europe," says Matlosa. "If we open opportunities in Africa we reduce that risk."

Matlosa has been studying the European Unuon but has insisted that a closer African Union will not be so threatened by concerns about immigration or loss of sovereignty

"Africa is a continent of migrants so we are not as suspicious of refugees," he says. "This is a test of our Pan-Africanism, the doctrine which underpins the African Union's existence. We are committed to this philosophy."