Shots fired at Milwaukee protests over police killing

Shots were fired during new protests in the US city of Milwaukee as demonstrators took to the streets for a second night

A police officer was reportedly hit in the head when a brick was thrown through a police care window
A police officer was reportedly hit in the head when a brick was thrown through a police care window

Protests erupted on Saturday hours after Sylville Smith, a 23-year-old African-American, was shot dead in a police chase.

Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett said that the reason for shooting Smith was because he had not dropped a gun he was holding when told to do so.

Milwaukee police chief Edward Flynn did not say what prompted officers to stop Smith's car, saying only that he was "behaving suspiciously," the BBC reports.

On Saturday night, cars and buildings, including a petrol station, were set on fire in the city. One officer was reportedly hit on the head when a brick was thrown through a police car window.

Police also said they used an armoured vehicle to rescue a shooting victim.

Barrett called for restraint, and understanding towards Smith's family. "A young man lost his life yesterday afternoon," he said. "And no matter what the circumstances are, his family has to be hurting."

Tension has been mounting in the African-American community following several cases of police violence against the black people in several US cities in the past two years.