IFJ condemns United States “desperate and dangerous” backlash over WikiLeaks

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the political backlash being mounted against the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks and accused the United States of attacking free speech after it put pressure on the website’s host server to shut down the site yesterday.

The website’s host Amazon.com blocked access to WikiLeaks after United States officials condemned the torrent of revelations about political, business and diplomatic affairs that has given people around the world unprecedented access to detailed information from United States sources, much of it embarrassing to leading public figures.

“It is unacceptable to try to deny people the right to know,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “These revelations may be embarrassing in their detail, but they also expose corruption and double-dealing in public life that is worthy of public scrutiny. The response of the United States is desperate and dangerous because it goes against fundamental principles of free speech and democracy.”

The IFJ has taken no position on the justification for the release of hundreds of thousands of internal documents which have made headlines around the world in the last few days, but it has welcomed the decision of WikiLeaks to use respected channels of journalism including Der Spiegel, The Guardian, the New York Times and El Pais to filter the information.

“This information is being processed by serious, professional journalists who are well aware of their responsibilities both to the public and to people implicated in these revelations,” said White. “It is simply untenable to allege as some people have that lives are being put at risk here. The only casualty here is the culture of secrecy that has for too long drawn a curtain around the unsavory side of public life.”

The IFJ is also concerned about the welfare and well-being of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder and Bradley Manning, the United States soldier in Iraq who is under arrest and suspected of leaking the information. Both men are the target of a growing political campaign mounted by government officials and right-wing politicians.

Assange has been forced into hiding and is the subject of an international police investigation over allegations concerning sexual offences in Sweden. The IFJ says that calls by right wing commentators for Manning to be executed and that Assange be hunted down as a spy, as demanded by former Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, show a mood of intolerance and persecution that is dangerous not just for the two men but for all journalists engaged in investigating public affairs.

“The IFJ and its members support the rights of whistle-blowers and the responsible reporting of information in the public interest,” said White. “This over-reaction by politicians and their allies illustrates that they have not understood the historical significance of these events. The people’s right to know is not something that can any longer be willfully ignored. They have to adjust to the fact journalists have a duty to report, fairly and accurately and with due respect for the rights of all parties in the public interest.”

Lino Camilleri
These two people are the MOST HEROES of this bloody world. All human being should know what is happening around as we are all living on the same planet. And this planet do not belongs to america and co. The world belongs to no one. Wait and u will soon find out what have been kept secret for more than 60 years. The bloody whole world is corrupt and nobody can clean our planet to original except One.
The backlash over WikiLeaks seems to be the colorful issues that I’ve handled all through out to my research journey but the same to the topics that I’ve handled it is then submerge of the different angles of issues all through the time. Currently, I am dealing to my newest topic about the DADT policy. A Pentagon study has revealed that service employees are indifferent to whether the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy is repealed. Some findings from a Pentagon survey were released recently. Service personnel mostly thought that repealing DADT would likely have no effect. Surveys and polls in recent years indicate that the majority of Americans are in favor of repealing it.
Alfred Galea
Manning should be executed if found guilty of treason and the alleged rapist should be hunted down and brought to trial and charged with receiving stolen property. Hopefully though, the Russians or the Chinese will get to him first........