Taliban suicide bomber kills 4 at air base

A spokesperson for the American military has confirmed that four people had been killed and around 14 were wounded in the attack at Bagram Air Base

A Taliban suicide bomber who infiltrated America's main military base in Afghanistan has killed four people earlier today.

Foreign news media report U.S. and Afghan officials as saying that the attacker entered Bagram Air Base on foot, hidden among a group of workers reporting for duty, in the early hours of the morning. The attacker detonated his explosive payload inside the base, killing four people.

In a statement released this morning, a spokesperson for the American military confirmed that four people had been killed. About 14 were wounded, the statement said.

The bulk of the roughly 10,000 American soldiers still in Afghanistan are believed to be based at Bagram. The base is heavily guarded, with several layers of security, togethere with a series of gates and checkposts controlling access. 

Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, claimed responsibility for the attack for the organisation.

The dead and wounded are beleived to include both foreigners and Afghans.