'Holy mantle has been sullied', Pope says about his annus horribilis

Pope Benedict XVI has described 2010 as a 'horrible year' and that the Vatican must accept our 'humiliation as an invitation for renewal.'

The ecclesiastical year that is about to end has been a year of “profound shock” for Pope Benedict XVI and the Roman Catholic Church, due to the numerous cases of abuses that reached “unimaginable dimensions, all of which were committed by priests on minors."

Tough words by Pope Benedict in his Christmas message to the Roman Curia in the presence of Cardinals and bishops from Rome, today Monday.

The Pontiff stressed that “the holy mantle has been sullied”, adding that “change is necessary.”

“During the 1970s, pedophilia was theorised to be in conformity with the existence of mankind and the child,” to the extent that it was considered to be  “part of a perverse concept of ethos.”

He stressed that because of such a permissive vision, Catholic theology had approached such a concept that pedophilia in itself  was “neither good, nor bad.”

It was here that the Pontiff made a clear declaration: “the effects of such theories are so evident today.”

“We are aware of the gravity of the sin committed by priests and of our collective responsibility, but we cannot remain silent on the context of the time we are witnessing such events.”

What does this crap has to do with priests abusing minors? They blamed gay men. They blamed the permissive society. They blamed the devil. They blamed some strands of theology. They blamed the media. They blamed Jewish journalists. If this silly clown is God's representative on earth and the vicar of Christ, give me Satan any time. He has turned his attention on the homosexual culture of the clergy and then he goes and watches four hunky men (i fratelli pellegrini) opening their legs in a receptive position. A pope gawking at hunks. Is the pope gay? Is the queen a woman? He hates our guts because we gay men have the kind of balls that few members of the Roman clergy have.
This is what the Pope actually said: "Negli anni Settanta, la pedofilia venne teorizzata come una cosa del tutto conforme all’uomo e anche al bambino". Lo ricorda Benedetto XVI nel discorso di fine anno alla Curia Romana, sottolineando che tale visione permissiva "faceva parte di una perversione di fondo del concetto di ethos" a causa della quale "persino nell’ambito della teologia cattolica si asseriva che non esisterebbero nè il male in sè, nè il bene in sè. Esisterebbe soltanto un meglio d e un peggio di. Niente sarebbe in se stesso bene o male. Tutto dipenderebbe dalle circostanze e dal fine inteso. A seconda degli scopi e delle circostanze, tutto potrebbe essere bene o anche male". In questo modo, spiega Ratzinger, "la morale viene sostituita da un calcolo delle conseguenze e con ciò cessa di esistere". http://www.libero-news.it/news/554480/Papa___Pedofilia__Chiesa_piena_di_polvere__Siamo_sconvolti_.html My translation: In the 70's there were those who theorised as something which was in conformity with being a man and with being a child.': Benedict XVI reminds us in the end of the year speech at the Roman Curia, underlining that a permissive vision like this "formed part of a fundamental perversion of the concept of ethos" due to which " even within Christian theology it was being claimed that neither inherent good not nor inherent evil existed. Only a relative good and relative evil existed. Nothing could be good or evil in itself. It all depended on the circumstances and intention. According to aims and circumstances, everything could be good or bad". That way, Ratzinger explained: "Morality is replaced with an estimate of consequences, and thus, ceases to exist." I hope MT was not responsible for the translation it printed.
Jurgen Cachia
If I understand this correctly, he seems to be blaming it on the push for sexual liberation in the 70's. How pathetic! Anything to avoid accepting his direct, personal responsibility for the policy of keeping accusations of sexual molestation in house.
And the silly clown allows himself to watch four topless (mmmm, shirtless) gorgeous men and thinks we all believe he and his monsignors are admiring their acrobatic prowess. I said it before and I say it now - you only become a priest if you are homosexual or have serious problems with your heterosexuality. And yes, some of these priests whether heterosexual or homosexual are pedophiles. Most of these claim to have a vocation to work with children. Pull the other leg! How difficult is it to require priests not to be left alone with a minor? How difficult is it to suspend priests as soon as an allegation is made? Reinstate them if they are innocent. Why does the Church not act swiftly and courageously? Because the abuse is far larger than anyone of us can begin to contemplate.
Assuming that the Pope is being reported correctly, his statement leaves me completely baffled as to the meaning that he attributes to the word "pedophilia". Is he here referring to some kind of platonic love towards minors? If so, perhaps the matter is not so grave as long as the love remains platonic. Or is he referring to the kind of pedophilia which so many priests and religious have been accused of and which includes sexual molestation? If he means the latter, then he is saying that the Church, presumably, considered pedophilia with molestation of minors as "neither good nor bad", innocuous so to speak. What is one to make of this when the Church considers any kind of sexual activity as sinful unless it is heterosexual love within marriage? Some clarification would be in order.
''A concept that pedophilia in itself was “neither good, nor bad.” Are we talking AD or BC. No, the Pope tells us, this is the 1970's. So despite all Christ's teachings, for one thousand nine hundred and seventy years, when it came to pedophilia, the Catholic church was looking the other way, playing the 3 monkeys, NO SEE, NO HEAR, NO TELL. And this is confirmed by the Pope himself. UNBELIEVABLE.