Students around Italy protest against proposed education reforms

Police in Rome have closed off the area around parliament after last week's violent protests when Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi survived a no-confidence motion.

Despite critics saying that universities are already severely under-funded, the education minister says reforms will save billions of euros and create a more merit-based system.

Thousands of Italian students have been marching peacefully through the streets of Rome, but clashes have been reported in Palermo, Sicily where some students were reported to be throwing stones at the police.

Demonstrations are taking place across Italy, in cities including Milan, Venice, Turin and Perugia.

The reforms intend to cut the number of university courses, merge some smaller universities, reduce funding for grants, increase the role of the private sector and limit the duration of rectorships.

While there have been reports of excessive power in the hands of ageing professors and teachers, many agree that reforms of the education sector might be necessary. However, there has been criticism of swinging cuts, believed to amount to €9 billion.

Italy spends less than 5% of its Gross Domestic Product on education, lower than many developed countries. But the cuts are part of wider austerity measures that the government is introducing in order to reduce its public debt. Some estimate the reforms will lead to the loss of about 130,000 jobs in the education sector.

"We are asking for this bill to be blocked and for the whole public education system to be refinanced," the Student Network said in a statement.

Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini said the measures were urgently needed to equip Italian students for employment.

"It is essential to restore dignity and usability to Italian university degrees," she said in an open letter to the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

The education bill proposed by Gelmini is being discussed in the Senate today, although the vote may be delayed until Thursday.