Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms
Donald Trump's government has revoked guidance to US public schools that allowed transgender students to use toilets matching their gender identity

President Donald Trump's administration on Wednesday revoked landmark guidance to public schools requiring trans students to have unfettered access to bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identity.
His predecessor Barack Obama had instructed public schools last May to let transgender students use the bathrooms matching their chosen gender identity, threatening to withhold funding for schools that did not comply. Transgender people hailed the step as victory for their civil rights.
The guidance had been hailed by as a victory for transgender rights. However, critics of the guidance said it threatened other students' privacy and safety, and should be decided at state level.
The latest change will have no immediate impact, because Obama's directive has already been temporarily blocked by a judge in Texas since August.
A joint letter released by the departments of justice and education on Wednesday cited the legal battle on this question as justification for rescinding the guidance, “in order to further and more completely consider the legal issues involved”.
“In addition, the Departments believe that … there must be due regard for the primary role of the States and local school districts in establishing education policy,” the letter added.
The case is to be brought before the US supreme court on 28 March, where lawyers for Gavin Grimm, a Virginia high school student, will contend that federal laws against sex discrimination extend to bias against transgender people.
Grimm claims his school is discriminating against him by refusing to allow him access to the boys’ bathroom.