Plane diverted over ‘suspicious conversation’
Three men were detained over fears they may have been plotting a violent crime after a conversation they had on board an easyJet flight

An easyJet flight travelling from Ljubljana to Cologne was diverted after passengers reported three men to have been talking about “terrorist matters”, according to German police and state prosecutors.
The three men, who were not identified, were detained on suspicion of preparing a serious violent crime.
"Investigations continue regarding the suspicion of preparations for a serious violent crime that could have jeopardized the state," said a joint statement.
Moreover, a backpack belonging to the men was examined and destroyed in a controlled explosion by authorities. A police spokesman confirmed that no dangerous contents were found.
Police carried out security checks of the aircraft and questioned passengers after they were evacuated.
Six aircraft were diverted to other airports as a result of the police investigation, the airport said, adding that air traffic was affected for several hours as a result of the incident.