'Mystic' Angelik in security breach at Vatican

Self-styled religious mystic and another faithful stopped by Vatican security from delivering letter to Pope Benedict XVI.

Italian press agency Ansa reports that two Maltese nationals were involved in a security breach at the Vatican, when they climbed over a security barrier at the Paul XI hall.

One of the persons in question is Angelik Caruana, who claims to deliver messages from the Holy Virgin in what have been uninterrupted visitations since 2006, when he claimed a statue of the Virgin in his house was weeping tears of blood.

Pope Benedict XVI was hosting a general audience at the time, when the two 'faithful' - as reported by Ansa - started shouting out loud to attract attention to them, to deliver a letter to Ratzinger.

According to Vatican press chief Fr Ciro Benedettini, the letter was taken by the Vatican gendarmerie, and contained "devotional messages". Caruana was then escorted to the exit. No aggression was reported but security guards appeared tense, according to La Repubblica.

Sister newspaper Illum had revealed an internal Curia document proving the blood found on the statue of the Holy Virgin inside the home of Angelik Caruana had in fact been human blood, allegedly that belonging to Caruana himself.

In a previous message delivered to Caruana on 4 August, the Virgin Mary was said to have promised a spring that would provide water that will heal the sick. Caruana recently claimed that the Holy Virgin had warned followers of her earlier prediction that divorce would be “on the lips of everyone”.

Monique Cauchi
@Teresa. First of all Teresa I am not a Catholic but I have many good friends who are including Maltese friends. You ask why people are attacking this idiot and the answer to that is easy, because he's an idiot and because he is making a mockery of the Catholic religion. I take it you are aware that he has a statue of the Virgin Mary, which bleeds? The problem is it only bleeds when it's in his house and the blood has been DNA tested and found to be his. According to the "Mystic" the Virgin Mary makes it bleed his blood! When the blood thing started to turn sour the statue started to leak oil like an old sump. Now you would have expected at least extra virgin but no it was cheap cooking oil. Next he started to sprinkle salt around it. Yeah you guessed it good old table salt! As I said I'm not Catholic, in fact I'm not even religious, but I respect a persons right to practice whatever religion they choose. And I find it disgraceful that this person can be allowed to bring the Catholic faith into disrepute. I don't blame him as he's obviously a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but I do blame the people who lend him support. Is this really the message you want the world to see regarding Maltese Catholicism.
TERESA:Il-Knisja ghandha tippronunzja ruhha ufficcjalment wara t-testijiet forensici li saru fuq l-istatwa li suppost qeghda tibki d-demm tieghu stess, iz-zejt tal-ikel u 'l-melh tal-ikel ukoll !!. Altru minn mirakli !!. Dwar id-diretur spiritwali, il-knisja ordnatlu biex ma jkomplix jiehu sehem f'dan kollu. Dwar il-flus. kont hemm ma nies li gew mill-Awstralja u rajnihom ahna stess, a dawn l-imsieken dahhlu jdejhom fil-but u ghamlu bhal ohrajn !!. Dan sar quddiem mini kien hemm fÁwissu !!. Dwar l-iskola: naf lil min jafu personali. U tippruvax tbezza'bil-babaw.
miskien min jemen bdawn il kumidji. il knisja qatt ma tista tkun ta ezempju. 1, mumiex afidabli 2, jilabu bil kliem 3, ghara xamlu fil passat wara 100 sena jajdulek sorry ek sew teresa
There is a new breed of Maltese about.They are ready to attack other so mercilessly.To judge others so quickly.
The way some are attacking this man reminds me of the sort of school bullying I witnessed as child. Disgusting and disappointing coming from adults.
We are all missing the point. We should be asking about the contents of the letter are. It is too easy for some to just attack this man. It is very convenient. It serves the purposes of a few who had Catholics. I am Catholic and proud. I do not know if Angelik is genuine, frankly, it does not matter as it makes no difference to me and my faith. I ask however, why are a few here so angry with a man they do not even know? What hatred burns wild in your hearts that some would be so cruel? Your bitterness is indicative of your disrespect for others. You may not agree or believe, but common decency calls for restraint and respect for all.
• Fumarole You are so off limits. 1st, the Church cannot stop a private citizen from claiming he sees the Virgin Mary 2nd, even if they wanted to, they cannot as the alleged apparitions occur in a public place not on Church property 3rd, you say you cannot stomach his spiritual directors, sounds like a personal issue as you have not elaborated into why you cannot stomach them. 4th you ask what they are doing with the money ‘they’ collect. Who are they? What money, where is your evidence that money is being collected? 5th Why don’t you tell us all about Angelik instead of telling us to talk to people who know him? What do you know, for certain which you can state that backs up your claims? Be very careful my friend. This may be a public post but it does not mean you cannot be prosecuted. Your attempts at defaming this man are uncharitable. The bitterness with which you try to insinuate, rather than provide evidence is harmful. Poor show on you.
This is ridiculous. In my opinion the Church authorities must put an end to this farcical charade. What's more I cannot stomach the attitude of his "spiritual director". Can they please explain what they are doing with the money they collect ????. If you want to know about Angelik ask his former schoolmates and his teachers !!!!! You'd be surprised......
Luke Camilleri
Ma hax il-Peppi azzopardi u l-Crew ta' Xarabank mieghu halli jassistu ghal dinil-kummiedja?
Joe Tanti
These sorry antics are turning us as being seen as the Iran of Europe ,ultra conservative religious morons,the issue of divorce will be the cherry on the cake.Soon we can advertise Malta as a journey into the past ,a sort of back to the future park theme.
Keith Goodlip
"Mystic" is simply a diplomatic way of describing the antics of a complete looney.
Holy Virgin didn't have an appointment.
It is very sad to hear that in the21 century there are still these types of sick minded people who try to sell their perverstions to other people
Michael Gauci
Drive down to Birzebbuga on a Wednesday evening and witness for yourself the crowd of people taken in by this.No wonder we have GonziPN at the helm of the nation if this is the mentality of the poplace.
Albert Zammit
And anyway, thanks to him, Malta is once again in the news.
Albert Zammit
At least, he found the money to go to the Vatican. I wonder which poor soul gave it to him.
Albert Zammit
Ghal darb'ohra, prova cara xi bniedem hu, dan. Carlatan, ultra-religjuz. Too much of a good thing, etc.... Dak li ggib ir-religjon zejda, imhawda mal-genn.
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHHA R.O.F.L. Come on Angelik Caruana, tell them that The Virgin Mary told you to go and tell the pope about your visions HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Cool man- keep going like that, maybe they will make you a Saint angelik in the future, this is good man keep going ;-)