Israel to leave UNESCO due to ‘continuing anti-Israel bias’
Months after US withdrawal, Israel announced its exit from US-led agency due to apparent ‘attacks’ on the ‘Jewish state’

Israel is expected to formally withdraw from UNESCO, hence following in the footsteps of the United States which announced its exit in October, due to an alleged “anti-Israel bias” and “the need for fundamental reform in the organisation.”
Although the United States made its announcement months ago, both countries will be leaving the agency at the same time – by the end of 2018.
The announcement came after 128 UN members voted in antagonism to US’ recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Israel’s representative at UNESCO Carmel Shama-Hacohen to announce the withdrawal due to “attacks” on the state of Israel.
Carmel Shama-Hacohen said that “the State of Israel and the Jewish people should be the first to contribute to the organisation and the last to leave it, but in UNESCO’s theatre of the absurd, countries that have no connections to science, education and culture have bankrupted this important organisation both professionally and budgetarily.”