Muscat to attend UN General Assembly in New York
The Prime Minister will be participating in the assembly’s 73rd session which is expected to focus on global leadership and sustainable societies

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will be participating in the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, which begins next Tuesday.
In a statement, the government said that Muscat was currently travelling to New York, where the annual assembly is held. Over 120 world leaders will be participating in the assembly.
Next week’s session will be themed, ‘Making the United Nations relevant to all people’, with discussions expected to focus mainly on global leadership and responsibility sharing for more sustainable and equal societies living in peace.
The government said that among the Prime Minister’s various engagements, he will be participating in a summit on global peace that is being organised to commemorate 100 years since the birth of former South African president Nelson Mandela.
Muscat is being accompanied by Foreign affairs minister Carmelo Abela and the Glenn Bedingfield, who is a member of the parliamentary committee of European and foregin affairs.