LIBYA live blog | Brega taken by Gaddafi forces

Ongoing coverage of Libyan protests and developments outside Malta

Reporting by Karl Stagno-Navarra, Matthew Vella, Miriam Dalli and Nestor Laiviera.


March 10 - March 7 - March 6 - March 5 - March 4 - March 3 - March 2 - March 1 - February 28 - February 27 - February 26 - February 25 - February 24 - February 23 - February 22


17:55 Libyan forces supporting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi have advanced on rebel-held strongholds, reportedly recapturing the eastern town of Brega.

Dozens of rebel fighters pulled out of the area amid heavy shelling.

Libyan rebel forces have been losing ground for days, including the key oil port of Ras Lanuf on Saturday.

13:00 Gaddafi forces are reportedly gaining momentum in a bid to cover as much ground as possible before any imposition of a no-fly zone. Rebels are reporting facing off against well-equipped forces and casualties are high.

Reuters news agency reports that Libyan Libyan armed forces, loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, have cleared "armed gangs" from the oil town of Brega in the east, an army source said on Sunday on Libyan state TV.

“Berga has been cleansed of armed gangs,” a military sources was quoted as saying on Libyan State TV.

12:00 The United States supported the Arab League's call for a United Nations no-fly zone over Libya, calling the declaration an "important step".

It however stopped short of expressing commitment to any military action, and made no proposal for a swift meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss concrete action on the call.

11:30 The Arab League has backed the idea of a no-fly zone over Libya, as rebels continue to be pummelled by warplanes and are finding themselves pushed back by Colonel Gaddafi's forces.

A special meeting in Cairo voted to ask the UN Security Council to impose the policy until the current crisis ended. The UK and France have vociferously supported the idea, but have failed so far to win firm backing from the EU or NATO.


15:35 Stopping the violence, rather than forcing Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to leave office immediately, should be the priority for the European Union, Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said. Yesterday, EU leaders issued an unprecedented call for Gaddafi to “relinquish power immediately,” but Borg - speaking at a meeting with EU counterparts in Godollo, Hungary - backed down from that request.

“I personally have called for a ceasefire ... stop the fighting and then we shall see what happens,” Borg said, adding his idea of a ceasefire, “should lead to a regime change,” rather than be preceded by it.

He also indicated that if Gaddafi or the rebels were not to respect it, that would “justify further action by the United Nations,” which last month slapped an arms embargo, a visa ban and asset freeze on Gaddafi and 25 of his associates.


12:09 Speaking in Brussels, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has said that Malta has refused to exchange the two defected Mirage jets for the release of three Dutch navy officers who were held captive in Tripoli and released last night.

Gonzi said he had made an appeal to the Libyan prime minister in a conversation on Tuesday after he landed in Malta in a week of 'shuttle diplomacy'  by Gaddafi's emissaries. "I insisted with the Libyan government that there was no reason for the Dutch crew to be detained. In the last three days there were contacts, and there was a moment were the release of these soldiers was tied to the release of the two jets in Malta. I insisted that the Libyan government had to release these three soldiers."


Listen! (Source: OPM)

Gonzi has also reiterated his call that Gaddafi has to go, and that his government has arrived to "inevitable end".


10:54 Dutch Prime Minister Rutte criticised France decision to recognise new National Council in Benghazi as legitimate government, adding that States and not governments are recognised.

10:53 Dutch Prime Minister Rutte says that 'no money or conditions' were made for release of Dutch crew released last night by Libya, and that release does 'not change the Netherlands position on Libya' adding that 'Gaddafi must go'.

10:50 Dutch Prime Minister Rutte has formally thanked Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi for Malta's diplomatic efforts and assistance that led to last nights release of the three Dutch navy crew members who were held captive in Tripoli.

10:47 Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party, has expressed its support towards the stand taken by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi who declared that his government had refused a request by Libya to mediate and help it with the EU over the crisis.AD spokesperson on EU and International Affairs Arnold Cassola,  stated: "The Prime Minister is totally right in telling the Libyan regime representatives that this was not a matter of mediation and that Colonel Gaddafi had to listen to the wishes of the Libyan people". 

Prof. Cassola added: "Gaddafi’s son Saif has yesterday re-affirmed that the time has come for full-scale military action against Libyan rebels, against whom no mercy will be shown.  Malta, the EU and the civilised world should never deal with delirious criminals of this kind, who are ready to exterminate their own people" 

AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio stated: "Malta, the EU and the UN should side with the people of Libya against their internal oppressor.  The international community should resort to all legal means in order to prevent Gaddafi from butchering his own people".

 Google Earth maps of Libya protests

View Mapping Violence Against Pro-Democracy Protests in Libya in a larger map

BREAKING NEWS : UNITED NATIONS flight 768 is taxiing to parking spot 3 at Luqa Malta
@Michael 001 Int m'ghandekx mohh hieles. Int tahseb kif jahseb partit politiku. Mohhok skjav ta' partit. Int immexxi qisek puppet on a string. Ma tafx tirraguna imma tosanna biss lir-rajjes tieghek anke jekk ikun qieghed jifflagellak !.Forsi ghandek ghaliex tkun skjav bhal hafna li jghamel x'jaghmel il-partit taghhom, u ghax ikun jaqblilhom,qatt ma jaraw xejn hazin f'dak li jaghmlu l-partiti. Jien kburi li ghandi mohhliberi u nuzah kif nahseb jien, u ma nhalli lil ebda partit jew lil LG jew JM jew xi IM Beck jew xi DCC jew RCC jiddettawli x'ghandi u kif nahseb. Jien ivvotajt liz-zewg partiti u t-tnejn iddizappuntawni. Ghalhekk nikkritikahom it-tnejn. Meta l-Partit Laburista kien fil-gvern u ma qbiltx mieghu kont min ta' quddiem nett li kkritikajtu fil-medja u hekk nibqa' naghmel sakemm ikolli mohh LIBERU. U issa nikkritika 'l dan il-Gvern ghax hu hemm imexxi . Id-dellijiet (Shadow) ma jmexxux. Dell huwa biss DELL. Meta u jekk il-LP, li llum huwa d-dell tal-gvern, jkun fil-gvern u ma jwettaqx dak li jwieghed allura nerga' nkun minn ta' l-ewwel li nikkritikah b'mohh hieles u miftuh. Ikber habib u thallix min jigbidlek l-ispag u ibda ahseb b'mohh matur u l-popitika halliha ghal dawk id-69 li ma jixbghu qatt jghaddu z-zmien bin-nies.
Now that the Arab League has approved a no fly zone action, I encourage THEM to do the exercise themselves. CNN and the BBC claim it was a unanimous decision. WRONG. Syria and Algeria were against it. We all know the Arab Nations have powerful air forces, especially Egypt, with modern US Aircraft. And other nations too possess substantial forces. We have been hearing that Libya has outdated armament. So the Arab Nations should not find it difficult to impose the NO FLY ZONE themselves. They already told the West, that they want them to intervene, but once the situation is under control they MUST leave the zone !!!. That is why the WEST, especially the US ,are very careful before taking the dip. Are they prepared to gamble another Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ?. What did they get out of these conflicts ?. This is mainly an African/ Arab problem and it needs an African / Arab solution. You cannot "transport" democracy. You cannot "Impose" democracy. Former colonies will NEVER accept impositions by would-be colonizers !!. In this situation Malta has a lot to lose. So, thread carefully lest we'll regret any false moves in the future.
my solidarity to all people whom are suffering under regime leaders. but all of this must not like drug people of the enormous problems ,that we have of our own already here, in Malta. that's what Malta's PM wants so he can smile , to make Libya ongoing a great excuse to make the people brainwashed, with the media. This news is important as all other countries are doing, BUT ,the most important is our country and the problems of this country that needs to be adressed. If not , thna let him roll over you, and in a few years, you will find yourself rolled over, that will be hard for many to stand up on their feet. now some goverment lackeys will show their tounge. RESIST OR SERVE!
Luke Camilleri
That's what Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici proposed all along, a Ceasefire and mediation and he said this publicly on Smash Channel TV when interviewed by Robert Musumeci! Maybe Dr. Tonio Borg might want to seek his very much expert advice!
"Stopping the violence, rather than forcing Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to leave office immediately, should be the priority for the European Union, Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said." . Does Tonio Borg really believe that Gaddafi will forgive and forget? If he is allowed to remain, everybody involved in the rebellion - and several who simply were in the wrong place at the wrong time - will pay harshly. Personally I would even accept some kind of mediated escape for Gaddafi if that would bring things to a close, but if he's allowed to stay then sooner or later there will be a massacre, possibly preceded by a show trial.
@falzon silvio The Serbia/Kosovo incident was an invasion, Libya is a local civil war or strife, call it what you will. That is the main difference.
@micael001 Mhux kwistjoni ta' dak li suppost qed jghamel il-gvern imma l-mod sottili li bih qieghed jipprova jirkeb minn fuq tragedja umana erba passi l-boghod biex jerga jikseb ftit popolarita. Taf x'nafu li kif ghola ftit iz-zejt malajr approfitta ruhu u gholla l-petro, diesel etc bid-doppju u meta rahhas ftit jiem wara ma regax rahsu. It-tieni min jista jmerrieh dwar dak li qal li Gadaffi ried iz-zewgt ajruplani bi bdiel mal-ostaggi olandizi, skond il-kredibilta ta' gonzi ma tantx hemm wisq spazju biex jinghata il-beneficcju tad-dubju. Fuq kollox la hu lanqas xi hadd mill-kabinet ma mar igib in-nies mill-Libya bl'ajruplani u l-katamaran. Ma ninsewx li bil-ftahhir kollu tieghu ghal-AirMalta il-gvern qieghed jipprova jara kif jeqrieda u jghaddija lil-privat biex jaggevola il-hbieb tal-hbieb. U ta' l-ahhar ghaliex irrifjuta jirmedja meta seta jirnexxielu iwwaqqaf il-glied (ceasefire) u jsalvaw in-nies miz-zewgt nahat (ghaliex kull hajja hija prezzjuza) ? Mhux ghaliex huwa serv ta' Barroso u ta' madwaru li meta raw l-affarijiet sejrin tajjeb bezqu hafna kliem vojt.? Gonzi ma jafx x'irid, fil-passat maqdar n-newtralita issa qieghed jilghab il-loghoba imbaghad jirrifjuta jkun medjatur, li hija haga sensibli meta tkun newtrali. Irrid jaqdi zewgt siedin u dan mhux possibli.
Why are there legal problems when has been done before in Iraq or the former Yugoslavia? Most EU and Nato countries think it can only be done legally if there is a UN Security Council resolution permitting it, as has usually been the case. But Russian and China, who have vetoes are opposed to intervention in Libya. One way might be to have a UN resolution for a ceasefire that is enforced by a no-fly zone. Another way is to ignore the UN altogether, as Nato did when it bombed Serbia to protect Kosovo in 1999, using a clause in the Alliance's charter allowing to take action in the name of "regional stability". If there's political will there must be a legal way? Political will, outside Britain and France, is weak. America is keenly aware that military forces are stretched in Afghanistan. Most European countries are terrified of being sucked into a North African war and want the Arab League or African Union to be involved, a sensitive issue for regional organisations with memories of colonialism and, more recently, the controversial invasion of Iraq.
Libya: what are the legal implications of intervention? What are the options for military intervention in Libya? Why is this so difficult to agree? Why are there legal problems when has been done before in Iraq or the former Yugoslavia? What are the options for military intervention in Libya? The most discussed is a "no-fly zone" that could be imposed to stop Col. Gaddafi's war against his own people, especially the use of air strikes against civilians. Enforcing such a zone could then lead to other military options, like the French idea of taking out Gaddafi's military command structures with air strikes. Why is this so difficult to agree? Libya is a huge territory, much larger than Iraq or Bosnia where other no-fly zones have been enforced and imposing it might need the launch of military strikes to remove the threat of Libyan air defences to the Nato planes policing Libya's skies. So it is a huge logistical operation and then there are tricky legal and political problems.
Albert Zammit
Iva ma tistghux tifirhu li PM Malti qed jahdem tajjeb fuq din il-problema? Bilfors tridu turu dik il-hdura marradija li ghandkom lejn kull haga li tmur kontra l-partit taghkom? Possibbli daqshekk hodor? Iva kif ma tifilhux taraw li qed issir xi haga sew u tammettu u tappoggjaw lil dak li jkun?! Bhiiii ghalikom, xi hdura u intern hazin ghandkom!
The EU asked Gadaffi to step down , who'll make him? Blessed are the peace makers, they'll be called the sons of GOD.
Dear Mr Zurrieq blues, had MY beloved Prime Minister (your words not mine) acted and decided differently many of you staunch PL supporters commenting here would still have criticized him no end. No doubts about that. The Prime Minister might not be my beloved but he deserves nothing but praise for the way he is handling such a difficult situation, and yes, I am happy that this man represents my country. Of course, you and your fellow party fanatics are too obsessed to reason otherwise. The panic and hysteria are simply a sign of insecurity with regards to the next general elections. It is crystal clear.
Patricia Marsh
"I sense hysteria and a lot of panic as I read the posts. I wonder why." Dear Mr Martyn B, you have not to wonder why cause I'll tell you straight forward. Your beloved PM, as usual found something to be praised off after complete failure and mess in his administration. The government machine, as usual, is trying, to credit GonziPN for something that it had no control off. He can't, can't, can't return the two mirage fighters because this was something imposed by the EU. I wonder what you would say if one of the Dutch was I of your family or friends. (Zgur li kont tigi titmellah mil-mirage fighters). Do continue pay extraordinary taxes due to GonziPN irresponsible incompetence management and enjoy watching the Libja saga.
Ftit ilu Gonzi qal li Gaddafi dalwaqt jispicca min hemm. Mhux talli ghadu hemm imma dalwaqt jerga jirbah Bengazi lura. Kif se jigbor giehu il prim ma nistax nimmagina u kif se jittrattana Gaddafi il Bambin biss jaf. Il paroli zejda l-anqas ghal l'avukati mu tajjeb. X'par idejn sodi dawn?
I sense hysteria and a lot of panic as I read the posts. I wonder why.
Tue Mar 1, 10:20 am ET VALLETTA, Malta – Malta said Tuesday it was refusing to return two Libyan fighter jets that landed on the island last week after their pilots defected. The Maltese government refused to let a plane land in Malta last Wednesday because the passengers included two Libyan pilots who had been sent to fly the Mirage jets back to Libya, said Martin Bugelli, head of information for the prime minister's office. He said the Maltese government was now abiding by a U.N. arms embargo imposed on Moammar Gadhafi and his family on Sunday.
Lawrence gonzi could not give the 2 mirage fighters to the libyan goverment , under no circumstances - that was ordered by the UN . allreday before so lawrence Gonzi could not taken any desicions by himself- thats why he went to brussels urgently. i think some people are too blinded by politics- thye are praising lawrence gonzi- lollllllllllllllllllllll
Wonder what the families of the dutch captives think of gonzi playing around with the lives of their dearest?
I take gonzi's claim that the release of the dutch captives was at some time tied to the return of the jets back to Libya with a pinch of salt. Normally asked about what is happening he keeps mum and now he reveals he stood fast in not exchanging the jets for the captives. Yea right Mr gonzi after all you do have a "par idejn sodi".
I am an American Muslim. Could somebody please explain to me why we keep expecting the Americans and Europeans to come in and fix this problem. Collectively, as the leaders of arab, muslim nations, we should be leading the charge (at a minimum) and militarily intervene on behalf of the "muslims" who are being slaughtered in Libya. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to each and every one of those "westerners" for doing what we seem to be incapable of doing. This is not the first time they have tried to rise up. This "madman" has a long history of dealth at his hands. He has told the world on tv exactly what he was going to do -- and yet I only hear the cries of outrage from the West -- whom, as Muslims, we call qaffer. Muslims are such hypocrites and, on this day, I am ashamed of our Muslim leaders collectively. We all will have to answer for this before Allah.
Calls for end to Bahrain monarchy Three Shia opposition groups join forces to demand an end to the kingdom and establishment of a 'democratic republic'. Ivorian women protest over killings Hundreds march over shootings of women during a protest last week as four people reported killed in Abidjan. Libya oil tanks seen as 'time bomb' Desperate Gaddafi might hit oil facilities in an attempt to fend off encroaching rebels, sparking a human catastrophe.
As Qaddafi's jets drop bombs on the Libyan people, the UN Security Council will decide in 48 hours whether to impose a no-fly zone to keep the government's warplanes on the ground. Together, we've sent 450,000 emails to the UN Security Council, "overwhelming" the Council President and and helping to win targeted sanctions and a justice process for the Libyan people. Now, to stop the bloodshed, we need a massive outcry for a no-fly zone. If Qaddafi can't dominate the air, he loses a key weapon in a war in which civilians are paying the heaviest price. But as long as his helicopter gunships and bombers are in the air, the death toll will rise. We have just 48 hours left -- let's hit 1 million messages to stop Qaddafi's deadly attacks before it's too late:
We see many people, many residents fleeing. There is heavy fighting right now," said Mr Shagan. "They (Gaddafi's security forces) are attacking people, civilians. There is a lot of shooting. They are taking people from their homes. People are escaping to nearby villages." He said many people had been killed. Mr Shagan said the military had driven tanks and heavy weapons into the centre of the town, where people opposed to Gaddafi's 41-year rule have been fighting his forces for more than a week, and closed all the roads. Arabic satellite channels said pro-Gaddafi forces had fired from tanks at residential areas. "Now with all the artillery, tanks and armoured vehicles, we're seeing battles and killings we haven't seen in Iraq. I consider it total genocide," said one witness who spoke to Al Arabiya television.
11:06AM GMT 05 Mar 2011 Gaddafi's forces were driven out of central Zawiyah on Saturday morning, but returned with reinforcements. They also were reported to have erected road blocks preventing entry to the town. Youssef Shagan, spokesman for the rebels, said that Gaddafi's forces had earlier been defeated. "They entered Zawiyah at six in the morning with heavy forces, hundreds of soldiers with tanks. Our people fought back ... We have won for now and civilians are gathering in the square." Mr Shagan said that earlier on Saturday, Gaddafi forces had fired high explosive rounds in the centre of the town, 30 miles west of the capital Tripoli, and rebel forces had captured two tanks.
17:38 After days of no incoming scheduled flights of Libyan Arab Airlines flights from Tripoli, a flight arrived at Malta International Airport at 15:35 with 75 passengers on board. I wonder who those 75 passengers where on board that Libyan flight????
So the British Authorities intercepted a cargo of Libyan currency but when the two Libyan jets invaded our small country no one intercepted them. Luckily they were two pilots who wanted to defect, or so we are told. Just think what devastation they would have caused if they let off their deadly cargo. So much for the non aggression pact or the piece of paper on neutrality we brag about.
Gaddafi's son: bombs were 'misunderstanding' Libyan government bombing raids on Brega were a big "misunderstanding", intended to scare off rebels, according to Saif al-Islam, son of the country's ruler Col Muammar Gaddafi. 03 Mar 2011 Libya: Col Gaddafi to face ICC war crimes probe Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, his sons and Libya's most senior security officials are to be investigated for war crimes against the Libyan people by international prosecutors. 03 Mar 2011 Libya: Barack Obama calls on Col Gaddafi to step down President Barack Obama on Thursday night called on Col Muammar Gaddafi to step down on the eve of last-ditch protests planned to force his overthrow in his capital, Tripoli.
British authorities have intercepted a ship carrying £100 million in Libyan currency and escorted it to Harwich port. 03 Mar 2011 Secret police loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi have staged sweeps of the Libyan capital, arresting hundreds of opponents and protesters in advance of demonstrations planned for prayers on Friday. 03 Mar 2011 Libya: who are the opposition? British officials were on Thursday in direct talks with former allies of Col Muammar Gaddafi who are now his opponents as potential future leaders of the country are starting to be identified. 03 Mar 2011 Col Gaddaffi and key aides will be investigated by the International Criminal Court over allegations they committed crimes against humanity while fending off the uprising in Libya.
Pauline Moran
Prosit...18,000 l'hawn u 20,000 l'hemm u dalwaqt nigu qisna grieden go pajjizna! Bit Taljan hemm qawl li jghid.."Tanto buono, tanto babbo" u hekk ezatt ser jigrilna lilna ghax ahna qalbna tajba. One day they will run over our good will and will make us fight against eachother because of our disagreement on this hot issue. U emmnuni hbieb..Din issa saret issue serja hafna!!! Kompla dahla l-eluf ta nies hawn u halli l-Maltin jgorru...ghax Malta taht il PN dejjem hekk kienet...mjasra mill barrani!!!!
a country , any country which have a regime is never good... chiwawaconnie- well you can choose where you can go to live... Freedom is the best thing that a human can have- like a divorce law- everyone must be free in life- free from chains ,that are binded to him by some outdated politicians- even animals needs freedom- freedom is the most important thing that anyone can have- like a politician for example, if he or she is not free to choose what he or she really belives in, Than he or she is just a SLAVE! FREeDOM FOR ALL , resist or serve!
is it true that the libyan goverment gave an ultimatum to malta , about those two jet fighters? the pilots , yes we have the right to protect them- But the planes I say , They are not ours to keep. dr.Lawrence Gonzi, you should have allready sended them back. make an arrangement and send those two planes back- with what we protect from them minister? you have jet fighters of our own, to protect us? if something happens will be your fault. with all the experts you have!!!!!
I sympathise with these Eritreans' situation, but we cannot continue to accept more persons in this country. No REAL assistance is being given by the EU. Now it's time to the Government to show the guts to say enough. I think Gaddafi was right to say that there will be a muslim Europe. STOP this influx of immigrants, sicen we cannot cope with such numbers. ALL the EU is to share the Burden, jot only us and Italy. Where are the Swedes?
Eritreans please go back to your country and not come here we have enough of these immigrants and cannot take up more
Barack Obama has directed the US Treasury to block $30bn (£18.45bn) in assets held by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his officials. The move came as world leaders moved to isolate the Libyan regime for its violent crackdown on protesters. The action to seize assets began over the weekend and is the largest ever undertaken by the US, said Treasury officials. The Libyan government and its leaders are believed to have stashed billions of US dollars in foreign bank accounts – money generated by the country's vast oil wealth. On Sunday, Britain froze the assets of Gaddafi, his daughter and four sons, including a £10mn Hampstead home of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the Libyan leader's second son. Last week the UK foiled an attempt to move hundreds of millions of dollars of funds out of Britain before sanctions could be imposed. Cohen said: "We are hearing that major European financial institutions are interpreting their obligations under the US, UN and UK actions as requiring them [to] block all government of Libya assets, including accounts held by the Central Bank of Libya and the Libyan Investment Authority. "These blocking actions by the United States, the UN, the UK and EU serve two very important objectives: depriving Colonel Gaddafi and his government access to these assets and simultaneously safeguarding them for the Libyan people."
Pauline Moran
Gaddafi qed jghis li jaqla biss 975 Dinars!!! Hbieb ara tkunux tafu minn fejn nista nixtra fighter jet f16 bid discounr!!! Jien naqra iktar minnu ghanda paga, jigifieri li suppost naffordjah!!!! Jahasra x'nies hawn fid dinja!!
avatar Libia, Lega Araba contro intervento militare esterno Libia, Maroni: timori emergenza umanitaria, infiltrati al Qaeda Immigrazione, maxi sbarco nella notte a Lampedusa
EU arms exports to Libya: who armed Gaddafi? Which EU countries export the most arms to Libya? Who was the Prime Minister of Malta in 2009? Who speaks of Moralities? Guns are moralities ? Lolllllllllllllllllllll Hypocrites: The EU granted export licenses for €834.5m worth of arms exports in the first five years after the arms embargo was lifted in October 2004 • 2009 is the highest amount ever: €343.7m • Italy is the top exporter, with €276.7m over the five years • The UK got off to a big start in 2005, with €58.9m of the €72.2m total. UK licenses over the five years are worth €119.35m • Malta saw some €79.7m of guns go through the Island en route to Libya in 2009 - apparently sold via an Italian company It's worth checking out Dan O'Huiggin's round-up of the brilliant European coverage of these sales for examples of the arms trade in action.
Keith Goodlip
What a goddam hypocrite this Gadaffi is. No NATO cannot intervene, but lots of African mercenaries can? EU cannot arm the protesters, but it is OK for Belarus to arm Gadaffi. This twit has more faces than Big Ben
Jamrie , you seems to understand nothing . Too bad..
Jessica Chetcuti
Silvio, What’s all this “copy and paste” on behalf of Avaaz?..... Who actually cares about Rupert Murdoch, or more to the point what’s he got to do with this blog? Why not keep to the point of the subject matter which is the Libyan crisis.
Murdoch undermines democratic government across the world by threatening elected leaders with viciously biased media coverage unless they do his bidding. He has manipulated US, British and Australian democracy for years, but now he wants more complete control. In the US, most of the likely Republican presidential candidates are actually paid employees of Murdoch! When his Fox News Network was shunned by Barack Obama as a mere propaganda mouthpiece, it spawned the far right "tea party" and broadcast constant, often hate-filled attacks against Obama and his healthcare and peace agenda -- resulting in a huge win for Republicans in the 2010 congressional elections. We can turn the tide on this powerful threat to democracy. Last year, Murdoch had lunch with the Canadian Prime Minister, who sent his chief aide to set up a murdoch-style political propaganda TV network in Canada. A mass outcry from Canadian Avaaz members prevented this network from being funded by taxpayer money, and just last week, another mass campaign from Avaaz prevented the Canadian government from removing the journalistic standards that would prevent this new network from spreading lies to the public. This week the battleground is the UK. The fight against Murdoch has just begun, but already we've begun to win. Click below to keep up the pressure:
In 48 hours, nearly half the British mass media could be bought by one of the world's worst media moguls. Rupert Murdoch has exploited his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W Bush, spread resentment of muslims and immigrants, block global action on climate change, and undermine democracy by viciously smearing politicians who refuse his orders. A lock on British media will massively boost Murdoch's power to undermine global efforts on peace, human rights and the environment. The UK is up in arms over the Murdoch bid, and even the Murdoch-allied government is split down the middle as it makes a decision this week. Global solidarity bolstered Egypt's pro-democracy protesters -- it can help Britain's. Let's build an urgent global outcry to stop Rupert Murdoch. Sign the petition to UK leaders:
Issa mhux l-ahbarijiet ewlenin jibqghu x'qed jigri fil- Libya ta. diversi pajjizi ghandhom jew kellhom cittadini jahdmu hemm. Ti tatija importtnaza ovja, izda li tatijha priorita fuq il-problemi ezistenti tal-pajjiz ma taghmilx sens. Kull pajjiz qed jirraporta x'qed jigri fil-Libya u l-madwar - pero priority jaghtuha lil-problemi ezistenti tal-pajjiz taghhom ta! ara ma jkunx hawn min jahseb jew jimmisinterpreat l-informazzjoni- il-Pajjizi kolha fejn ma hemmx demokrazija , dak il-poplu ghandu dritt ghal helsien - Min ikun jghix f'dak l-istat jaf xi tfisser. Ghajnunha umanitarja dejjem ghandha tkunn- Pero li tinsa jew taljena il-problemi ta pajjizek- u taghti importanza akbar lil problemi ta pajjiz iehor ma taghmilx sens- priority tal-pajjiz tieghek l-ewwel- jew ser nibqghu bhal ma dejjem konna? il-barrani l-ewwel imbaghd ahna? bhal mal- barrani ok, hawn min jaqfillu l-lazz taz-zarbun , imbaghd bejnietna b'kull lanzita daqshiex- Jiena dawk il-pajjizi li ghasndhom bzonn id-demokrazijia b'x mod, kont wiehed miin eluf , li ghinthom- Izda nahseb u nemmen li l-problemi eziztenti ta pajjizi jigu l-ewwel u qabel kollox- pero ma tantx ghandhi fiducja fil-politikanti li ghandna.
my military analisys of the situation: the forces of gaddafi are more strong that the rebels. gaddafi forces have the best and the modern weapons with the loyal regular army is trained with command and control. a mercenary force from african states and east europe. a multinational force voluntary from africa countries increasing day for day. the rebel forces ia a force no training had,lack of weapons and supplies,not have a command and control,is a caotic force,most are civilians no military discipline that to flee when things get ugly. gaddafi,certainly has not released even his army,despite what the media say. gaddafi hopes to see the U.S. reaction,before launching a counter-attack. i think that the usa tactic is let gaddafi annihilate the rebels and that these plead a international military intervention,then usa attack with a air campaign to gaddafi forces and possibly invade lybia with a elite force of special forces,marines and small forces from england and france,but the main effort will be carried by the egyptian army.
With Sigonella 60 miles away-the largest US and Nato base in Southern Europe, there is no reason why Malta should be used again as a military platform. We will help as we do in a humanitarian crises, and perhaps acting again as a nurse of the Mediterranean i case of civil and bloody upheavel, but thats it. The revolutionary Libyans themselves don,t want foreign intervention so this talk of including Malta into future military actions against Libya us unwarranted! Malta is not the prostitute of foreign powers, we wan't budge an inch; yes to humanitarian help no to military intervention.
Lets stop the sabre rattling by Countries who have no idea how the people of the Middle East and North Africa think. The situation in Libya is at a stand still. The much hoped for(by some) overthrow has not happened despite the cyber war which seems very much to be in fashion. It is time to sit around a table and work this whole thing out,they are going to have to at some point anyway. Malta is an enviable position with it's friends from both sides of the divide ,and with it's neutrality to get the whole thing off the ground. Failure to do something now will lead to a long drawn out civil war 60 miles away from our shores. Malta certainly will not benefit from that. In Arab lands as in Malta memories are long and it will not do us any good if we at least don't show, don't try, to achieve some kind of consensus
There's no single entry point. You can find the 2009 report here :
Which EU countries armed Libya under Gaddafi? The EU arms sales to Libya statistics, collected by the European Union, are not exactly public knowledge. We only know about them because of some excellent work by Dan O'Huiggin, who found the complete breakdown of EU military exports in some distant corner of the Europa website and published a breakdown of 2009, the latest year available. The data, only available as a PDF, is tricky to export but we bring you the latest five years here. It covers from 2005 (the first year after the end of the arms embargo in 2004) right up to 2009. The EU granted export licenses for €834.5m worth of arms exports in the first five years after the arms embargo was lifted in October 2004 • 2009 is the highest amount ever: €343.7m • Italy is the top exporter, with €276.7m over the five years • The UK got off to a big start in 2005, with €58.9m of the €72.2m total. UK licenses over the five years are worth €119.35m • Malta saw some €79.7m of guns go through the Island en route to Libya in 2009 - apparently sold via an Italian company It's worth checking out Dan O'Huiggin's round-up of the brilliant European coverage of these sales for examples of the arms trade in action.
Libya: Italy repudiates friendship treaty, paving way for future military action Italy has repudiated a friendship treaty with Libya, paving the way for its bases to be used by the US and Nato to enforce a no-fly zone and future peacekeeping operations.
Gaddafi's nurse says she will be back at "Papa's" side Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's Ukrainian nurse has reportedly said she believes he will put down the uprising in Libya and that she will be back by his side in a matter of weeks. 01 Mar 2011 Libya: David Cameron vows not to abandon Libyan people Prime Minister said that the UK was making contact with opposition groups who have occupied Benghazi and parts of eastern Libya but he played down suggestions that the UK might directly arm rebel forces. 01 Mar 2011 Libya: refugee crisis on Tunisian border as thousands flee regime Migrants are crushed on concrete wall separating the two countries as border guards struggle to control a tidal wave of refugees escaping Col Gaddafi's regime. 01 Mar 2011
Warplanes bomb rebels in show of air power Col Muammar Gaddafi’s warplanes have carried our bombing raids on rebel-held eastern Libya, demonstrating that the dictator retains some air power. West ready to use force against Gaddafi over mustard gas fears David Cameron and other Western leaders on the brink of ordering military action against Col Muammar Gaddafi over fears the dictator could attack Libyan people with chemical weapons. Libya: John Major calls for military force amid mustard gas warning Former prime minister backs David Cameron and other Western leaders who are on the brink of ordering military action against Gaddafi amid fears that the Libyan dictator could use chemical weapons against his own people. 01 Mar 2011
Instead of all that publicity with our Grand harbour being full of activity in other people's interest it would have been better for us if Government had got two or three tankers of fuel at the beginning of this crises( two or three weeks ago). But no we are a nation ready to help others but unfortunately when we are in need nobody raises a hand to help us without wanting something in return. By the way for all those who are thinking that America has been doing us a great favour in taking selected illegal immigrants may I remind them that quite recently our dedicated and loyal government has given a huge(when taking in consideration of our small size) piece of land in the best part of the island for them to build an embassy.Shame on you all politicians. We need change, total change, because here the poor is getting poorer and the rich richer. Was a weekly increase of Eur1.16 euros enough? Does the government need to give us energy vouchers? What if the Government was to waive direct and indirect taxes on these fuel hikes?Charity begins at home no? Gietu x xoqqa f moxta l PM Dr Gonzi u malajr malajr gholla l fuel prices...u dan tal fuel li suppost l enemalta ghandha storjat. Mela x ser jigri la tixtri l fuel issa. INGANN WARA LIEHOR U L-POPLU NDUNA JEW ALJENAT?
Tal-Ħamrija, you knowledge of history is as poor as your love of your country. The British ran Malta for the benefit of the British - as ANY colonist does. And before the British came, the Maltese (under the knights) WERE the pirates - they use to attack and loot any Muslim ships which they came across (and even some Christian ones too - they were not particularly fussy) I suggest you stuidy some REAL history, not the "Ħrejjef Missirijietna" we wera taught at school.
Michael Gauci
I told you to stop embarrassing yourself, are you a masochist?
@ Hamrija No one makes protests if he does not feel the need for them. Under the british rule people where buried in trash, under the british rule people where beaten and exiled. If that is so good and acceptable for you it's not for me.
Michael Gauci
@Solidarity How ignorant you are. The best thing that happened to Malta was when the British arrived, the worst thing to happen to Malta was The British leaving. Inbetween they gave Malta much needed work and protection from marauding pirates who had murdered and kidnapped Maltese for centuries. Go back to school or shut up and stop embarrassing yourself.
ara vera gabna qedin sew il gvern........nighnu il pajjizi ohra u ifarak il poplu malti bil pizijiet.Ara vera ghana gvern tar ruh.....grazzi gonzi pn .Grazzi talli gholejt il petrol diesel u min jaf kemm il haga ohra ha togholi bl iskuza tal libja.Ahjar tara kif inhu imwegga il poplu tieghak,u qabel taghamel l affarijiet bl adocc ahseb ftit.....ghax daqt togholi lina
Where was America when the Maltese held their revolution for the right of speech and wanted to get rid of british dictatorship. We should not forget that the British Police brused the Maltese bil lembubi. They smacked us hard and all we had where stones. Where where the human rights then. Where was everyone when we did not have the right of expression. Ask the people who suffered seeing their families buried in trash just because they had a political view. But Malta had no oil so Americans didn't bother help us. The Libian people are holding a revolution as we held in 1958. And don't forget Manoel Dimech who was exiled just because he believed in Maltese language and litreature. Ah and one other thing under all these oppressions the PN was at all times licking the british officers while they where fighting with the Maltese as they didn't want to treat us as their UK living citizenz.
Arnold Cassola Berlusconi was right to conclude that agreement with Gaddafi. If you pity the illegal immigrants so much, and I repeat illegal immigrants, then take them to Italy which is your second country and keep them there at your own expense. Perhaps you have not seen my earlier post Cassola, so here it is again. Here is an example of how the blatant lies told by illegal immigrants to raise sympathy and be allowed to stay has been blown by the BBC and the International Organization for Migrational (IOM) • 1328: Ms Eyster said Egypt and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are arranging boats to collect Egyptian nationals, while some 130 Somalis will be flown home on a chartered plane. Does anyone think that the International Organization for Migration (IOM) would have flown them home if they were in any danger? They are in no danger and they only tell a pack of lies to get the peoples sympathy. All their lies have been blown today by this BBC post and by the IOM flying them back home. Time to wake up people and not be taken in again by the illegal immigrants blatant lies and send back all the illegal immigrants.
It is like tasting the nectar of the gods finally hearing gonziPN taking a neutral stand after all those years denigrating Malta's Neutrality as written down in our Constitution. As regards the war mongers amongst us , how about making the trip to Libya and fight side by side with the protestors, it is easy for you to write about Malta participating in others' strife because your butts are safely hidden behind some office door. As for fair weather friends were was the EU when we were over run by illegal migrants. All we got was a voluntary help in transfering migrants to other EU countries. NEUTRALITY still counts like it or not. Those who want strife get a job as mercenaries and get the hell out of Malta that includes you Robin Huud
Pauline Moran
Wenz, hemm x'ghamilt??? Mort ghollejt il Petrol u Diesel ergajt!!! Mela ahna iz zejt mil Libja nixtuh ja brigand l-int!!! Ahna anqas qatra zejt ma ngibu min hemm!!! Sibta malajr l-iskuza biex tiggistifika ruhek! Bravu hey! Isma Wenz, ahna il petrol inhallsu ghalih ta' mhux bhalek tigri bil karozza tal gvern b'xejn, min fuq dahar il poplu!...Prosit ghalik kemm thobbu l-poplu Wenz... Dawn l-erba t'ijiem li fadallek gawdihom Wenz...ghax li gerfixt u hawwad dalwaqt kollu gej ghal wiccek!!! Kif qed jipprova jkisser il poplu il PN ser jispicca mkisser mill poplu!!!
Libyan Media Links The press * Al-Fajr al-Jadid - controlled by an arm of the information ministry * Al-Shams - controlled by an arm of the information ministry * Al-Jamahiriyah - controlled by an arm of the information ministry * Al-Zahf Al-Akhdar - controlled by the Revolutionary Committees Movement * The Tripoli Post - English-language pro-government weekly * Quryna - Benghazi daily Televisio * Great Jamahiriyah TV - state-run, available terrestrially and via satellite * Al-Libiyah - via satellite Radio * Great Jamahiriyah Radio - state-run * Voice of Africa - state-run external service * Al-Libiyah FM News agency * Jana (Jamahiriyah News Agency) - state-run
avatar Protesters in Oman set supermarket ablaze Yemeni president offers unity government The newly designated 'temporary' Leader of the Libyan anti-Gaddafi movement said only an hour ago in an interview with the BBC that any "on-the-ground" intervention by any "foreigners" armed forces would be met with "greater resistance" than will be used against Gaddafi's remnant. US, UK, EU BEWARE! Apart from Sanctions & Statements of support for the Libyan Uprising: Stay out of it. Looting reported amid Oman protests Kurdish rebels end Turkey 'truce' Two Tunisian ministers quit Yemen tribal figure joins protests Demanding equal rights in Bahrain The battle for Bahrain
This is where the true human rights is UK wants to do as gaddafi is doing now arming the civilians to fight a civil war. Cameron suggested the UK might even consider arming the Libyan opposition forces if Tripoli used more violence to crush demonstrations.
Solidarity starts with the Maltese ans Solidarity and respect to humans should be equal with everyone. Will Malta Europe and America stop importing goods Made in China for human rights. Let us stand up against China. Why dosen't America starts war against China and N Korea? Libia is a sovreighn state When Americans just shot to a black man just because he was black and kept them in slavery they told the whole world this is our country. When America had a civil war they wanted no one to interfere. Malta and the Maltese come first. Don't you feel sympathy for your maltese brothers who we left them all winter without electricity suffering cold because they got no money to pay the bills and at the same time we found money to feed the people for free at the airport? Don't you suffer when gonzi tells you we use our hospitals for humanitarian help and we leave our maltese citizens on a waiting list for over three years to operate and cure them? Do you know how many maltese died before the appointment arrived? Charity begins at home. AND MALTA FIRST AND FOREMOST. Is that right because America wants oil we suffer bombs on our country. It is all about oil nothing else for the Americans. If they believe in human rights they should show forces with Chiina and north Korea otherwise they are hyprocites fakes nothing else.
so this is solidarity? staying aloof while our next door neighbour is fighting for his life? Nobody said we are taking part in military actions just providing other humanitarian facilities like we always did in the past. Neutrality should not be confused with solidarity for other Nations in need. Its easy to be friendly and do business while the going is good but when trouble erupts you run a mile under the excuse of being neutral. That is called fair weather friendship.
THE PM today said that Malta believes in Human rights u addio newtralita. We should tell Americans and EU countries that for Malta to believe that their actions are related to human rights and not for OIL America must tell all her american factories to leave china where workers are forced to work for peanuts or be killed by chinese dictator. This war is not about human rights otherwise America must do it with North Korea and China but there is no oil there and very close to USA as boundaries so we close our eyes on human dignity there. Malta should NOT take part in any Military actions and that is it. As Always Americans stay seated in front of their TV's while they use other countries to make their wars and I get roofless u addio all my working to built a house. Gonzi you are a traitor of Malta and the Maltese Gaddaffi is doing what the chinese did and north koreans did and are still doing if America does not interfere in China and North Korea she should not interfere in Libia neither
Sa fejnnaf jien id-fuel li jinxtara issa jasal Malta f'April/Mejju mela allura mela l-gholi li se johdilna issa (50c kull gallun) qed imur ghal xi haga ohra, tghid ghal bonus u l-allowances tal-kbar ta' l-Enemalta? Tghid se nergghu mmorru lura ghas-snin 50's early 60's kullhadd bir-rota? Jew se jkollna naghmlu bhal girien taghna? U mela zokk Wenz inti hadt €500 zjieda fix-xahar u jiena naqal ftit iktar minn hekk, kif nista nghix Wenz? Il vera nizziltna fil-hama issa u jekk inti kapaci tmexxi l-pajjiz fil-kwistjoni tal-Libya ( skond kif qalet tal-Bidnija ghax tghidx kemm fahhritek Wenz biex jekk ma tafx qed nghidlek jien) daqshekk iehor kapaci tislohna ghax gibtna qisna San Bert bla gilda. Wenz hemm bzonn tara x'taghmel ghax iz-zmien dahal il-gewwa u l-poplu kemm idum igerger u timmuttah ghal mal-hajt fl-ahhar ma jkunx jista jmur lura izjed ghax jigi mal-hajt u triq wahda jibqalu li jirribella halli jimxi l-quddiem. Wenz ahna flus fil-but irridu biex nghixu hazin hazin ghax daqt immutu bil-guh, ghal funeral ma noqgodx nahseb ghax mhux se jhalluk barra tinten jidfnuni zgur. Flus Wenz, Flus biex inlahqu mal-hajjar rridu.
Seems like Enemalta buys small amounts of fuel!! If a new consignement has been purchased recently - does this mean that as from tomorrow we will be using fuels purchased during the last 15days?sabuha li skuza biex jaghfsu l-poplu ghal darba ohra issa li kulhadd hu kkoncentrat fuq x'qed jigri fil Libya. X'hasbu li mhux se nindunaw jew?
Maybe it's time to show that we are fed up too!
Issa ahjar din Malta l-ikbar supplier ta' l-armi lil Libya!!!!!!! Mela kellu ragun Wenzu jmur isuru fil-bidu ta' Frar tghid halli jghidlu kif juzawhom? Imbaghad l-ghoqbra mbajda jitkazaw ghal Mintoff kien hbieb mieghu u tghid minn tal-PN ma kien hemm hadd habib mieghu ghax tghidx kemm hawn nies isemmu isem ex-politkant famus tal-PN li kien habib mieghu u jghidu wkoll li forsi ghalhekk ma telajniex iz-zejt mill-bir ta' Kercem gewwa Gawdex. Tghid veru? Pero' ahna nsara tar-ruh u hsara lil ghajrna ma naghmlux SUPPOST.
francis gauci
Il-Gvern Malti komplici filk-massakru tal-poplu Libjan. Malta, which issued licences worth £67.9 million, was the largest European arms supplier to Libya in 2009. – The Telegraph.
Cassola first priority is the safety of Maltese citizens and others of various nationalities and not condemnation which could and indeed did come later. Antoine Vella giving humanitarian aid is one thing. Being involved in military operations is another. No one denied humanitarian aid but military operations from Malta must NOT be allowed. There are many military bases in other countries and if they want to carry out military operations they can use them and not Malta.
A day after President Barack Obama branded Gadhafi an illegitimate ruler who must leave power immediately, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton kept up pressure for him to step down and "call off the mercenaries" and other troops that remain loyal to him. "We are just at the beginning of what will follow Gadhafi. ... But we've been reaching out to many different Libyans who are attempting to organize in the east and as the revolution moves westward there as well," Clinton said. "I think it's way too soon to tell how this is going to play out, but we're going to be ready and prepared to offer any kind of assistance that anyone wishes to have from the United States."
ZAWIYA, Libya – With residents shouting "Free, free Libya," anti-government rebels who control this battle-scarred city nearest to the capital deployed tanks and anti-aircraft weapons Sunday to brace for an attack by troops loyal to Moammar Gadhafi. The Obama administration offered "any type of assistance" to Libyans seeking to oust the longtime leader. Politicians in the opposition stronghold of Benghazi set up their first leadership council to manage day-to-day affairs, taking a step toward forming what could be an alternative to Gadhafi's regime. The Libyan people are fully behind me," Gadhafi defiantly told Serbian TV, even as about half of the country was turning against him and world leaders moved to isolate him. "A small group (of rebels) is surrounded ... and it will be dealt with."
This is very serious!!!!! Did MiGs land here without the public being informed? Why were we, the people, told they were Mirages? . Is this some gONzIpN plot???????????
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's supporters "are reportedly conducting house-by-house searches and arrests. According to some reports, they have even gone into hospitals to kill wounded opponents," Ban said. Accounts from the news media and human rights groups and witnesses "raise grave concerns about the nature and scale of the conflict," he said. He said they include reports of indiscriminate killings, shooting of peaceful demonstrators, torture of the opposition and use of foreign mercenaries. The victims have included women and children and "indiscriminate attacks on foreigners believed to be mercenaries," he said, referring to reports. Ban called on the international community "to do everything possible" to protect civilians at demonstrable risk. Ban said there appeared to be a growing crisis of refugees, with some 22,000 people having fled to Tunisia and a reported 15,000 to Egypt in the past few days. For many, the trip has been a harrowing one. "There are widespread reports of refugees being harassed and threatened with guns and knives," Ban said. ISSA MHUX NLJENAW RUHN TA, META GHANDNA L-PROBLEMI TAGHNA FIL-PAJJIZ, L-OPPOZIZZJONI GHANDA TKOMPLI TINISTI FUQ IL-PROBLEMI EZISTENTI TAGHNA WKOLL- XORTA NISTGHU NOFFRU GHAJNUNHA UMINANITARJA , MILLI NISTGHU NOFFRU!
The bodies have been kidnapped from the street," Reda said. "My other neighbors told me they kidnapped the injured people in the hospital to somewhere, nobody knows (where). This is the perfect crime. He's hiding all evidence for every crime he has. This is the horrible situation that nobody knows." More than 1,000 people have been killed, according to estimates cited Friday by Ban. He noted that the eastern part of the country "is reported to be under the control of opposition elements, who have taken over arms and ammunition from weapon depots." At least three cities near Tripoli have been the site of daily clashes, and the streets of the capital are largely deserted because people are afraid of being shot by government forces or militias, he said
Maltipur, nobody wants to fight. Do you think that the anti-Gaddafi protesters in Libya want to be shot at? . BUT . There are principles and values which one has to uphold, whatever the cost. The neutrality clause refers to wars between states not to bloody repression and genocide. Read James Debono's latest blog entry.
Michael001 why don't you criticize all the wold leaders who have hugged Gaddafi and supported him by supplying him with weapons?
Jamrie the example of the help we got in the illegal immigrants issue shows you what cover we get from the EU. No one denies that help must be given to save civilians, but not military help or allowing our country to be used for military operations by foreign forces.
Just Ray the would be fools if they fall for it and also return to being rued by their ex-king. Royalty is an antiquated institution which mush be scrapped for ever. kings and queens have no divine right to rule over people.
Antoine Vella if you want to fight just go yourself and join one of the foreign forces but don't involve us and Malta. We do not want to be embroiled in other countries wars. Neutrality is tehre to stay whether you like it or not Antoine.
Joseph Caruana
@Antoine Vella What I can't understand is why you assumed that we would be in favour of some steadfast concept of neutrality. There's ample room for opinion makers to talk about neutrality in the blogs and opinion comments; I don't know of any time in this news-blog that we declared ourselves as supporters of neutrality (anyway it's not our opinion that counts when we are doing the reporting). We brought up the 'spectre' because Libya is a guarantor of our neutrality and - as you put it - how could Malta be neutral in such a situation?
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said the Libyan plane was denied landing permission because no flight plane was filed and the government had information that the plane carried pilots. " I have no doubt that the aircraft that was refused landing in Malta last Wednesday carried pilots who intended to take back defecting Mirage jets," he explained. Kmieni ghidtilna b'din l-informazzjoni li tant tikkoncerna lil poplu Malti kollhu! Ghalfejn din l-informazzjoni baqghet mistura 4tijiem shah Dr Gonzi?
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18:37 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says: "US is ready to assist Libya opposition to overthrow Ghaddafi regime" What a surprise! Only if the fools for this trick, that is!
Io si, No tu No! This is what the Bidnija blogger meant when she objected to Gonzi/Gaddafi protest. ...and just like the MLP hamalli which she likes to ridicule, the PN stalwarts tore up the "offending" photo! Its ok for her to bring up on her blogs the 30 year old photos of Mintoff/ Gaddafi, though not Gaddafi being given an Maltese honour by the PN led adminisration! As Mark Twian used to say, history does not repeat itself but it rhymes!
Matthew Vella - you did not understand my question; how can you abbreviate something you do not understand? Anyway, wtf is not a correct abbreviation of my question. . Let me give it to you with a spoon. You and your colleagues raised the evil spectre of neutrality when reporting the rescue of workers by British armed forces. Not even Joseph Muscat dared go so far. . I therefore asked how you can observe what's happening in Libya and remain stubbornly neutral. On the contrary, you should be insisting that Malta renounces craven neutrality and takes sides in this conflict. . In case you hadn't noticed, it's a conflict between unarmed or badly-armed civilians struggling - and dying - for freedom and heavily-armed mercenaries in the service of a bloodthirsty dictator.
ara il-prim ehm :) hemm Gaddafi ma nahsibx li gej Malta jiekol u jixrob mieghek ehh prim ;-) dawk l-armi li nbighu lil -Libya mil-Italja bl-ghajnuna ta Malta , ehh Prim :) dik moralita ehh- ara vera tad-dahq ta- kompli kompli dahqu ,lil min ghandu ghajnejn miftuhin- almenu jien indunajt u ftaht ghajnejja. allura issa nidhaq nista ;-)
Sure ,Malta needs a lot problems to be adressed. I don't have any political party this time. This time my vote will go , to whom wil be really democratic and progressive. I was blinded yes by politics before.. it's true.. I was with the one who used to say"xoghol gustizza u liberta". Imma issa daqshekk! Ma ghnadiex ghalfejn nahbi - i-vot tieghi din id-darba nathih lil dak il-partit li jkun verament progressiv u demokratiku. l-akbar zball kien li ma tajxt kaz li il-PN kien hobza u sikkina mal-knisja -JAQQ! ara naqra ta meta wiehed ikun akkanit , kemm ma jarax sewwa -ghalhek ghidt jien- hafna nies ma jkunux qedghin jaraw sewwa. imma lamenu ftaht ghajnejja - u meta gew ghat tesera -Jup- u l-qadima ghal goz-zibel marret :) anyways dik- affari tieghi :) li naf hu li dan il-pajjiz ghnadhu bzonn politiku li l-ewwel u qabel kolox jaghmel dan, jekk ma jaghmilx dan allura kollox jibqa k'wazi kif inhu- Bla bla bla Malta trid tigi verament sekulari - jigifieri stat u religjon ghalihom- jekk le, jigifieri l-pajjiz ma jsirx sekulari- allura qatt ma jista jkun hemm equal rights sakemm Malta ma issirx pajjiz sekulari- IL-KNISJA GHANDHA DRITT TIFTAH HAQLHA F'PAJJIZ DEMOKRATIKU MIN FUQ IL-PULPTU U L-GAZZETTI. IZDA LI TINDAHAL FIL-PARLAMENT HIJA ASSURDITA . U MISSU JISTHI MIN MIL POLITICI JHALLI LIL KNISJA MALTIJA TINDAHAL IL MPs. nidubita kemm hawn min jaf xi tfisser sekulari hawn Malta -meta qed nghid hawn Malta , ma jfissrix min jikteb fuq din- E-news ta :) in generali
Jessica Chetcuti
@Solidarity, apt name I think ....not. Look mate you can’t have it both ways, you are either for the full implementation of the constitution or you’re not. If you feel that the constitution is being violated then you should be shouting from the rooftops, “This is a neutral country; we don’t want foreign forces here or words to that effect...... Go to the harbour and the airport and unfurl your banner and shout out loud, “Go home, you are not respecting our constitution”. On the other hand you could ignore the constitution and say thank god for the military they’ve managed to rescue 150 oil workers (including several of our countrymen) who were stuck in the middle of nowhere and bring them to safety. So what’s it to be?.....It’s your choice. PS. If you feel that there could be repercussions in the future, please bear in mind that the EU constitution states that any attack on an EU member can be considered as an attack on the EU as a whole....... So we’re pretty well covered don't you think..
As long as the aircraft landing, even military ones, in Malta are used to evacuate people from Libyan territory, they should be allowed and encouraged to do so. Using Malta as the departure point of military action against Libyan forces is another matter. NATO Sigonella airbase in Sicily is on alert and has the capabilities to do so. Let's leave partisan politics out of this issue and keep our national interests and obligations as our priorities.
Albert Zammit
@ falzonsilvio: 'too many maltese are blinded by their political colour' >>> Speak for yourself, first and foremost!
Albert Zammit
@ Solidarity: Ha nkellmek bil-Malti forsi nhajrek tikteb bil-Malti wkoll ... forsi nifhmuk! Il-bastimenti li hawn f'Malta, kif ukoll l-ajruplani, qedin hawn ukoll biex isalvaw il-hajjiet tal-Maltin li qedin hemm maqbuda. U inti tahseb li dawn qedin Malta ghalhekk ukoll? Jekk veru jkun hemm xi esodu ta' eluf kbar ta' Libjani lejn il-Mediterran, min se jigi jghin lil Malta biex dawn ma jersqux lejn il-gzira? E? E? Tista' tispjega x'azzjonijiet militari qed isiru f'Malta? Ghandek ideja zbaljata ta' x'jigifieri 'solidarjeta'!
@ Michael 001. I adore my country and my country comes first whoever is ruling it at the moment. I fully agree we should help best we can but I repeat our laws must be respected by everyone. NO MILITARY ACTIONS SHOULD BE HELD IN MALTA> Isaa mike let us assume that Gaddafi wanted to attack the chinook that illegally in a milatry action invaded his country where would he golook for it Malta or UK. So the safety of Malta has to come first. Now re solidarity I believe it should start at home In malta we have 2000 families from a parliament reply to who the maltese government left them with out electricity suffering the winter coldness and at the same time we find money for the arabs coming to our country. Solidarity is good and helping others is good but not before we help our own people. THE EU Should financially help Malta as Malta should first and foremost see that every citizen of its own has the basic needs before providing basic needs to everyone else.
I hope all people who were working there ,will be helped to go back to their home safely. In The end they were there working for their families. So we will continue to focus on our own problems too. Gaddafi must step down or they will make him step down- The United Nations Will make him step down, one way or another - They will- so The Libyans will start to work hard to build everything from the beginning, hopefully for THEM a better future!
President Barack Obama said Gadhafi has lost his legitimacy to rule and must step down immediately. Obama, who made the comments Saturday to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, signed an executive order a day earlier that froze assets held by Gadhafi and four of his children in the United States. Firing on protesters On Friday, pro-Gadhafi militiamen — including snipers — fired on protesters trying to mount the first significant anti-government marches in days in Tripoli. Gadhafi, speaking from the ramparts of a historic Tripoli fort, told supporters to prepare to defend the nation as he faced the biggest challenge to his 42-year rule. "At the suitable time, we will open the arms depot so all Libyans and tribes become armed, so that Libya becomes red with fire," Gadhafi said.
The international community toughened its response to the bloodshed, while Americans and other foreigners were evacuated from the chaos roiling the North African nation. In New York, the U.N. Security Council voted unanimously to slap sanctions on the Gadhafi regime. The council imposed an arms embargo and called on U.N. member states to freeze the assets of Gadhafi and his children. The council also imposed a travel ban on the Gadhafi family and 10 close associates. Council members also agreed 15-0 to refer the regime's deadly crackdown to a permanent war crimes tribunal for an investigation of possible crimes against humanity. The action came after U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said some estimates indicate more than 1,000 people have been killed in less than two weeks since the protests broke out in Libya.
yes michael001 , on this matter they are all the same. but today is 27/2/2011 and i am speaking of the latest- yes they all were friends of him... but too many maltese are blinded by their political colour- they don't see well- don't even know what is a regime leader etc... cause they never felt or at least readed, what it is to live under a regime...
Albert Zammit
@ Solidarity: 'I think the Malta uprising is next.' Ehmmmm.... wishful thinking! Pero ninnutaw il-hdura li ghandek go fik, u x-xewqa ta' hsara li trid lil pajjizek - pajjizna!
This is all a humanitarian matter- Malta was chosen as it's very near Libya- we are not into war , there ain't and will not be any war. it;s all in Libya. they are fighting for their freedom- At least we did our part,in helping people get out from Libya to go to their country. You know what i see bad? Not these humanitarian aids, but a peron who is a prime minister of Malta , that was friends with gaddafi eating and drinking. How can anyone think of Lawrence Gonzi condemn gaddafi, when they were friends? Don't you know that Gaddafi was coming here in a few weeks? and is it not now a fact, that Malta helped Italy selling those weapons to Libya? I don't trust politicians, I wonder if a real democratic progressive politician will be here. Till now sometimes to the left ,sometimes to the right. moving their Fans along with them.
Albert Zammit
@ Falzonsilvio: If you criticise PM GONZI on this one, how much more should you criticise previous Labour PMs? Particularly Dom Mintoff and KMB? Or weren't you around at that time?
Albert Zammit
Such SOLIDARITY from Solidarity. Malta is not 'involved in wars'. What Malta is doing is carrying out humanitarian aid, and helping innocent people leave a warzone, that's what it's doing. I think PM GONZI should be commended for the way he is leading the country at the moment. I, for one, criticise him a lot for internal matters, but at this crucial point and considering the risks that Malta is facing, I believe that he is at the helm, he is leading the country, leading the operations and he is fully in control and I hope it stays that way. Indeed, I also agree with Antoine Vella, here: how can you possibly remain neutral when faced with such a dictator. U zgur, huwa mhux uliedkomli qed joqtol, ja qabda gifa li intom!
@ antoine vella e are not saying we don't help the fact is malta is a sovereign state with its laws and should be respected. IF UK wanted to carry a military operation she should done so from her country or from a country that will support its action. Malta yes should not be involved in wars our constitution does not permit it
Joseph Caruana
@Antoine Vella I didn't understand the question, so I'll abbreviate it: wtf?
How can these four Malta Today journalists even dream of remaining neutral in the face of the massacres being carried out by Gaddafi? . This is "omm il-ġifa qatt ma tgħali" (a coward's mother will never mourn) callousness at its most classic.
So despite the apparent hardlining now of Col. Gaddaffi’s regime by the EU, as recently as 2009, EU states like Belgium, Italy and Malta were allowed by the EU to do so and did sell to the Colonel and his dictatorial regime, the same armaments that they are using now to kill and subdue protesters. In that year, Italy, helped by Malta, sold high-value shipments of rockets and other equipment to Libya and Belgium too was quite busy selling rifles, pistols, light machine guns and ammunition to the Libyan regime. MR.PRIME MINISTER- ANOTHER STONE TO YOU: YOU WHO SPEAK OF MORALITIES- CONTINUE SO WE CAN LAUGH: SOLD OR NOT YOU HELPED,YOU ARE THE PRIME MINISTER SO YOU ARE RESPONSABLE:
I am very unhappy that Malta is letting UK airforce use our country as a military base conducting military operations originating from our country. Malta has it's constitution clearly declaring neutrality these actions are unconstitutional and are endangering Malta. We should not be used. Whilst I condemn gadafi's actions towards his people this should not bring Malta into war with Libia. What is hapening in Libia is libia's affair What happens in China under their dictatorship or in N Korea is up to them. Our concern must be our constitution that of NO MILITARY BASES IN MALTA. All the Maltese MP's agreed to this in 1984 and it should be sustained together with the electoral agreements agreed in the same year. We should start being counted. Last note EU is asking Maltya to sell Air Malta we should tell EU that Malta is not benefiting from any EU billions of Euros used and given to other EU countries for their military aircrafts and thus since Air Malta is our only means of transport by air underr any circumstances it should remain under government control. I Think the uprising of Malta is next as we need to start being counted and acknowledged for who we are and for our strategic location. Malta should come first and foremost in any governmental decision and we should STOP BEING ABUSED. WE NEED TO STRENGTHEN OUR VOICES AND BE HEARED BY ALL EUROPEANS AS IT IS VERY UNFAIR THAT THEY ARE USING US AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION AND AT THE SAME TIME TELL US IF LIBIANS COME OVER ITS YOUR PROBLEM SO UNFAIR UNLOGICAL AND WE SHOULD STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS OUR DIGNITY
Now, Bahrain is scrambling to implement its own internet clampdown -- and we have the chance to provide critical support to ensure the blackout can't succeed. The communications equipment and support teams will help leaders to broadcast locally to organize rallies, communicate with other activists around the region, and provide information to the world if there is a blackout -- providing an essential counterweight to regime propaganda, and a form of protection to demonstrators through increased exposure and prominence. And if media outlets are kicked out, protesters could keep a livestream of information flowing across the internet. With the needed funds, Avaaz can immediately dispatch equipment and world-class expert teams to the Middle East. Every day, the protests grow and the crackdowns escalate in violence. Organisers say the next few days are critical to the survival of these democracy movements and that our support is essential. Let’s all donate now and provide tangible solidarity to this inspiring explosion of people power. There are moments in history in which the impossible becomes unavoidable. Like the dissolution of the Soviet Union just before its fall, the changes sweeping the Middle East were unimaginable to most a month ago. But people power has a logic and timeline all its own. While many of us may never step foot in the Middle East, the hopes of its people are interwoven with ours and those of the world. In moments like these, it is inspiring to know that our solidarity, in hope and action, can play a small part in big change.
with the permision of Maltatoday-pls support : Wow -- over 17,000 donors, and we've got 15 blackout-breaking satellite internet kits -- some already in Libya and more headed to other countries now! Let's keep going -- donate below! Here's the email: Across the Middle East -- in Bahrain, Libya, Yemen, and more countries every day -- autocratic regimes are trying to crush unprecedented peaceful protests with brutality and blackouts. These countries are poised on the brink between liberation and enormous bloodshed -- and the protesters' ability to reach the eyes of the world could determine the outcomes. Avaaz is working urgently to "blackout-proof" the protests -- with secure satellite modems and phones, tiny video cameras, and portable radio transmitters, plus expert support teams on the ground -- to enable activists to broadcast live video feeds even during internet and phone blackouts and ensure the oxygen of international attention fuels their courageous movements for change. The window for us to deliver this help is closing fast, as regimes are moving quickly to choke off borders and internet connections. Small donations from 25,000 of us would fund critical technology and support teams for those who need it most. Let’s chip in to empower those now carrying the destiny of the Middle East in their peaceful hands -- donate now: RESIST OR SERVE!
avatar Turkey's PM speaks out against Libya sanctions • 1340: Here's a name we may hear more of: Muhammad al-Senussi, the heir apparent in Libya's overthrown monarchy. Interviewed by AFP, the successor to King Idriss praised the rebels in his homeland and urged the ejection of Col Gaddafi. The Libyan royal family was ousted by the colonel in 1969, and forced out of the country altogether in 1988. Does Mr Senussi want to regain the throne for his family? "I see myself as a servant to the Libyan people," he says. "They will decide what they want. My goal is to serve my people as much as I can." THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT. SHADES OF PERSIA IN 1951-1952 WHEN THE BRITISH AND AMERICANS UNDERMINED PRIME MINISTER MOHAMMED MOSSADEQ WHEN HE NATIONALIZED THE ANGLO-IRANIAN OIL COMPANY TO PUT BACK THE DESPISED SHAH.
14:36 The Maltese government has formally issued a recommendation to all Maltese nationals in Libya to evacuate the country by tonight on the Virtù ferries’ catamaran that will make a last journey to and from Tripoli. Military operations to begin?
Joseph Grech
@surf turtle If Gaddafi is deposed: all irregular immigrants are either economic refugees OR Gaddafi supporters who carried out atrocities on the Libyan freedom fighters and who are escaping retribution. Either way they can be sent back If Gaddafi remains in some sort of control on Libya, immigrants must be given refuge as they would be considered political refugees, there is no space for interpretation.
Pauline Moran
Martin, mur saqsi ftit lil Wenzu kif ser izzomm lil mewga kbira ta' Afrikani li gejjien hawn u mhux toqghod titkellem fuq politikanti tal bierah. Tkellem fuq ir realtajiet tal lum, ghax fijhom qed bierah ghadda, il poplu u z-zghazagh tal lum mil futur li jimpurtahom mhux mil imghoddu!
martin said who's in government?
Where the hell is KMB in all of this?
TRIPOLI — Libyan forces opened fire on mourners leaving a funeral for protesters Saturday in the flashpoint city of Benghazi. A witness said dozens were killed. In the worst unrest in Moammar Gaddafi's four decades in power, bodies piled up in a hospital and doctors collapsed in grief at the sight of dead relatives. The deaths, if confirmed, would push the overall estimated death toll to well over 100 in five days of unprecedented protests against Gadhafi. Government forces also wiped out a protest encampment and clamped down on Internet service throughout the North African nation. As relatives buried their dead, they fell victim to a mixture of special commandos, foreign mercenaries and Gadhafi loyalists armed with knives, Kalashnikovs and even anti-aircraft missiles trying to quell the demonstrations, witnesses said. "The blood of our martyrs is still leaking from coffins over the shoulders of the mourners," one female protester, who is also a lawyer, said while standing in front of about 20 coffins lined up in front of the Northern Court building in Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city and the epicenter of the current unrest.
Hello tony and maltesers friends, Tony, what do i with 65 comedians? Ok tony we haves deal. I send 8 feet Gregori with crates of russian Vodka, at your locals nightclub. Remembers, Gregori in white cockroach killing company van, withs picture of gaddafi near logo. When you sees Gregori outside van, tell password. You slap 8 feet Gregori in backside ands tell him "nice tight jeans, babe". If Gregori not drunk, he gives crates and you give 65 comedians. If Gregori drunk, then big problem.
Mercenary Soldiers Many of those arriving said they had seen mercenaries from Africa and elsewhere, some dark-skinned and some fair, some speaking French. They had been deployed to attack anti- government protesters in Libyan cities, including the capital, Tripoli, and Benghazi, which has seen some of the worst violence since the uprising began last week, the eyewitnesses said. Pro-Qaddafi supporters, largely mercenaries, were indiscriminately attacking anyone in Tripoli who was on the streets, said Nabil Abdel Raouf, 35, an Egyptian construction worker who lived in Derna about 240 kilometers (150 miles) from the border. My brother and cousins have been trying to leave Tripoli for four days, but they’re not able to,” Abdel Raouf said. “The mercenaries are in the streets and they’re killing anyone who leaves his house.” Yehia said he saw 26 corpses at a hospital near his home in al-Bayda on the eastern coast. Several of the people who participated in the protests, which started as peaceful, were killed by live bullets in the chest and the head, he said.
“It’s a massacre in there,” said Mohamed Yehia after he crossed into Egypt at the northwestern town of Salloum, speaking of the deadly crackdown by Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. “He is crazy. The world must know what he’s doing to his people.” Egyptian vans drove straight through the checkpoint, while those who arrived in Libyan vehicles had to get out and walk across while carrying all their belongings. They were met by dozens of buses sent by the Egyptian military, whose officials declared via speakers that the vehicles would drive them to major Egyptian cities for free. About 100 private minivans also lined up at the border, and more waited at two other military checkpoints farther away.
One doesn't have to be a professor to know this. The Malta Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi who speaks so much about Moralities , is a friend of Muammar Gaddafi . They eated together etc..- politics or not, still same thing! Birds of the same feathers flocks together! to be continued... RESIST OR SERVE!
Guys just ignore DCG aka Jane Eyre she talks to herself on her blog and when she has run out of pseudynoms to talk too she reverts to here .Either her or Corrine Vella (LSD) ..Ignore and she will go away..
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Sorry ta, there's a bloodbath going on in Libya, hundreds or thousands of innocent people are being killed. This is what this news is about. Does anyone really care who Jane Eyre is? Issa Daphne, Mary poppins jew Magreth Tatcher ha taghmell xi differenza? Just ignore her.
Hello Jane Eyre. What about William Hague and his assertion that Gaddafi was off to Venezuela? So the BBC and the rest of the world were irresponsible in reporting this eh? Come on Janey dear. Stop wasting our time. And if you are the woman you say you are, give us your real name.
Pauline Moran
"Jane Ayre"...ghamlilna santissmu pjacir u oqghod kompli ikteb il hrejjef u l-gideb u l-buzullotti tieghek fuq il Blog ta Kastilja li ghandek! U tippruvax tiddeffes hawn ghax mhux ser jirnexxiliek. Mela mhux qed tara response tajjeb fuq il Blog dan l-ahhar?
The people whose life’s are at stake here should be protected. Te media should never make it worse especially as there are Maltese and other nationalities still out there. I think wisdom outweighs newsworthiness at this juncture.
@ zeit NO, they were just putting two and two together and getting six. This paper made a claim that was not founded. If I remember the article, it read something like ‘the Malta Today was informed by government sources or something” It has been pulled since then but maybe Matthew can enlighten us a little as to exactly what the MT reported. AJE must have sensed it was a serious claim when they read it, especially as the MT gave the impression that it was an official claim by the Government. Otherwise they would not have reported on it. So Matthew, can you repubish what you wrote two days ago for all to see?
I am not Daphni Carauna Galizia if that is what you poor fools think. I do not envy her mind you. I do not even like her, she is a little too hysterical for me. But I will tell you this, if you are so paranoid to think that every woman who comments is that person, you really are a sad bunch or pratts. @Matthew , I still think that you should do what is best practice, double check your sources before firing off from the hip like that. It was simply irresponsible. You did this to get a head over other online papers. There are people's lives at stake here. Your paper should act a little more responsibly. I hope that you do not start a diplomatic argument.
Give one guess who Jane Eyre could be? U ejja one guess. Who has this incredible envy for MaltaToday? One guess. Just one guess. And guess what she does not have the decency to sign her name.
@matthew vella agree 100%. in such events such as these were things are happening at a rapid pace there can be misinterpretations. i have seen this happen on many international news such as cnn, sky, bbc. they always update and clear any misunderstandings.
Joseph Caruana
@zeit @Skocciz @Jane Eyre There is always a tendency that certain claims get reported prior to thorough fact-checking and that this the peril of having a live blog reporting unfolding events. As long as denials are faithfully reported and made as clear as possible, readers can understand that such mistakes - especially in digital media - can happen.
From CNN regarding the plane that allegedly also tried to land in Malta: 'The evacuations turned into a diplomatic spat between Libya and Lebanon. Libya refused to allow a plane to pick up stranded Lebanese nationals in Tripoli, the official Lebanese news agency said Friday. Two days earlier, Lebanon refused landing rights to a Libyan plane that was "said to be carrying members of (Libyan leader Moammar) Gadhafi's family," said Ali Hamdan, a foreign relations adviser.' I don't think that MaltaToday were in fact fabricating stories.
@ Jane Eyre Much ado abourt nothing
Joseph Caruana
@Jane Eyre MaltaToday was indeed the first newspaper to report the claim that Aisha Gaddafi was aboard the plane. We believed we had reliable information of communication between control tower and the OPM. Our source was privy to this communication. 'Misinformation' and 'fabrication' is a grave accusation - the information at the time turned out to be incorrect and we quickly carried the denials when we were assured by government sources in the foreign ministry that the communication did not include Gaddafi's daughter's name being dropped. AJE appears to have picked up on the story and ran with it... obviously, it was up to them to double-check with their sources. There was no 'dealing' with MaltaToday.
Malta Today started the misinformation I find it interesting that the claim that Aisha being on board that plane was made by the Malta Today at least 30 minutes before I saw it later flashed up on Al Jazera English TV. It seems that the fabrication was initially made by the Malta Today, taken up by Al Jazera who may have assumed that the paper chekcked their storyline and thinking it was factual news. It is obvious that Al Jazera English were unaware that they were dealing with an unprofessional newspaper that either invents their stories or do not double check their sources. I hope that the authorities look into this!! The events could have been far worse and we still do not know what effect they have had on the situation in Libya.
Raymond Falzon
OK Pavel DEAL We will also send you 65 Commedians FREE.
Helenio Galea
kemm inti funny. very tasteful. go back to your cave.
Hello maltesers friends, I am Pavlov Borichevskiy, from Irkutsk, motherlands Russia. I have businesses in Irkutsk and other cities in motherlands Russia. Don’t give back jets. I interest in buy the 2 jets fighters. We can make deal for jets with rubber plastic body parts, legs, feets, liverses and stomachses. Or if not like, I trade with hundreds of crates 75 % pure vodka from motherlands Russia. Or maybe some live bears for your circuses. If deal ok, I send assistant Nicolai. You recognize Nicolai immideately. He very ugly. He has 17 cm nose. He likes to dress as bolshevick. If you not like Nicolai, I send long legged Tatyana. She likeses to dresses short, but I tell her to dresses properlys. If want, I send advances payment of crates vodka at your locals nightclub. I will send them with 8 feet bodyguard, Grigor. You recognize van from cockroach killings company, maybe we put gaddaffi picture face near logo. Hope we deal my maltesers friends, Yourses, Pavlov B
Helenio Galea
bring in french pilots, fly them to Benghazi Airport.
Mercenary Soldiers Many of those arriving said they had seen mercenaries from Africa and elsewhere, some dark-skinned and some fair, some speaking French. They had been deployed to attack anti- government protesters in Libyan cities, including the capital, Tripoli, and Benghazi, which has seen some of the worst violence since the uprising began last week, the eyewitnesses said. Pro-Qaddafi supporters, largely mercenaries, were indiscriminately attacking anyone in Tripoli who was on the streets, said Nabil Abdel Raouf, 35, an Egyptian construction worker who lived in Derna about 240 kilometers (150 miles) from the border. “My brother and cousins have been trying to leave Tripoli for four days, but they’re not able to,” Abdel Raouf said. “The mercenaries are in the streets and they’re killing anyone who leaves his house.”
“It’s a massacre in there,” said Mohamed Yehia after he crossed into Egypt at the northwestern town of Salloum, speaking of the deadly crackdown by Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. “He is crazy. The world must know what he’s doing to his people.” Yehia, 23, is one of thousands of Egyptians working in Libya who gathered their belongings and left the oil-rich country yesterday after Qaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, this week accused foreigners, including Tunisians and Egyptians, of inciting the ongoing revolt. Popular uprisings are spreading across the Arab world after mass protests in Tunisia and Egypt ousted their two long-serving presidents.
Berlusconi did not condemn the regime(Berlusconi also said about extermists Islamists) ,he condemned the violence just like our maltese goverment. this is filthy. than gaddafi came out and said that the Al Qeada is to blame and drugs are being given in coffeee. These are all lies . !that's why the maltese goverment did not condemn Gaddafi , instead he condemned the violence ! LIES LIES LIES LIES.
Kif jghidu surfturtle. Birds of the same feather flock together. Jew kif nghidu bil-Malti, Ma min rajtek xebbahtek.
Carmelo is a DO NOTHING idiotic minister...a poser
Carmelo tell us something new, fed up with repeated promises.
Pauline Moran
I’ve been watching the news unfold via various social media channels. I’ve put together a list of the top five resources for real-time news from within Libya. Some of these Twitter feeds update every few seconds.
Perhaps while he is here, Minister Bildt will explain to us why his government is hounding Julian Assange, the Wikieaks founder, on orders from the government of the USA.
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is holding an emergency meeting on Libya now. If we can pressure them to agree to a no-fly zone over Libya, a freeze of Qaddafi's, his family's and his high command's assets, targeted sanctions against the regime, and international prosecution of any military officials involved in the crackdown -- this could stop airforce bombings and split Qaddafi's command structure. We have no time to lose -- the people of Libya are being slaughtered by government forces. Click to send a message directly to all the UNSC delegations to stop the violence and share this with everyone -- let's inundate them with messages and spur them to action:
Maltese Government refutes this
Jeff Cassar
Kullimkien kulhadd qed iqum kontra l-establishment ghax kulhadd iddejjaq imjassar. Greece general strike: Clashes erupt Clashes in Greece at anti-austerity demo Anti-austerity protests spark violent clashes in Greece Greek protesters clash with police GREECE CUTS PROTESTS TURN VIOLENT Greek riot police, protesters clash during strike Libia, aereo cade dopo che piloti rifiutano di bombardare Bengasi Immigrati,Maroni: in grado fronteggiare emergenza ma non a lungo Libia: stampa maltese, figlia Gheddafi su aereo respinto a Malta Thousands protest against high food prices in Delhi
In Libya, armed forces are using machine guns and fighter jets against pro-democracy protesters -- hundreds have been killed and, without immediate international action, it could spiral into a national bloodbath. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is holding an emergency meeting on Libya now. If we can pressure them to agree to a no-fly zone over Libya, a freeze of Qaddafi's, his family's and his high command's assets, targeted sanctions against the regime, and international prosecution of any military officials involved in the crackdown -- this could stop airforce bombings and split Qaddafi's command structure. We have no time to lose -- the people of Libya are being slaughtered by government forces. Click to send a message directly to all the UNSC delegations to stop the violence and share this with everyone -- let's inundate them with messages and spur them to action
Dear United Nations Security Council delegates: The violence in Libya must end. I urge you to pass a resolution on Libya that will: a) impose a no-fly zone to stop the bombings of civilians b) freeze assets belonging to Qaddafi, his family, and his high command c) impose targeted sanctions against the regime d) initiate international prosecutions of military officials involved in the crackdown. please sign this you will eb one of hundreds of thousands to sign- can make you voice so strong- imagine millions of people allogether- if the voice is united than ,the strength is beyong imagination. Lawrence Gonzi- very good conscious you have and good moralities!!!!!!!!!
Ir-RAI Uno TV habbar li zewg bastimenti tal-gwera gew icedu u jitolbu l-kenn f'Malta.
Jeffrey Vella
Gheddafi has to accept that the people do not want him there but 42 years in absolute power are hard to give up. He just does not want to call it a day.
alan smith you go ti tall wrong. this is not going to be another Entebbe. They are going to use military transport aircraft because they could take a lot more passengers than civilian ones, not because they are going to carry out a military operation. As for allies, no gives you anything for nothing. So better stay away from whoever calls himself an ally. Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Thomas Jefferson
THE HAGUE—France, Britain, Germany, Egypt and Turkey scrambled Tuesday to evacuate their citizens caught up in the unrest spreading across Libya, sending military planes and ferries to the north African state. "To ensure our compatriots' security in the context of violence in Libya over these last days, the government has decided to proceed today with the repatriation of those whose presence is not essential," French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot-Marie announced. Three French air force planes left Paris Tuesday for the Libyan capital, Tripoli, where violent clashes between the military and anti-government protesters had spilled over from Benghazi in the east. According to the French foreign ministry, there were between 500 and 550 French citizens in Libya, where security forces have cracked down on mounting protests against the 41-year-old regime of Moamer Kadhafi. Rights groups say hundreds of people have been killed in the protests which began late last week, following the precedents of Tunisia and Egypt. Britain said it would send a charter flight to Libya and will deploy a Royal Navy frigate to help evacuate citizens. Germany sent a Lufthansa plane and two military aircraft to bring about 400 nationals to safety – most of them in Tripoli and about 50 in Benghazi. Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said Cairo was facing difficulties repatriating up to 1.5 million of its citizens trapped amid the uprising. The foreign ministry had requested military planes to bring Egyptians home, but could not get authorization to land the planes in Libya – a complaint echoed by Turkey. Ankara sent two ferries, each with a capacity of 1,250 passengers, to repatriate nationals employed at construction projects. There are an estimated 25,000 Turks in Libya. Greece said it would send two ferries with a total capacity of 10,000 seats, as well as a tanker to evacuate Greeks and other foreigners, and was looking for more boats to evacuate about 15,000 Chinese at Beijing's request. Ukraine said it would send an Ilyushin military jet to evacuate the first 170-odd citizens of an estimated 3,000 in Libya, mainly medical workers. A 150-seater Dutch air force transport plane left for Tripoli from the Eindhoven air base at 1330 GMT to fetch 100-odd Dutch citizens. "We hope that the plane can return tonight," Dutch foreign ministry spokesman Bengt van Loosdrecht said. "The aim is for people to arrive at the airport (in Tripoli) before nightfall. After that, the situation becomes too dangerous." The Netherlands has also dispatched a navy frigate, the Tromp, saying in a statement that "if the Libyan air space closes, an evacuation can be done by sea". Italy, which has an estimated 1,500 citizens in Libya, said there would be a special Alitalia flight Tuesday on top of the airliner's regular flights there. Russia said it planned to send four planes to evacuate 563 of its citizens, including gas company employees and family members of diplomats – the first 130 of them on Tuesday. Portugal evacuated 114 people overnight to a NATO base in Italy, while a C-130 transport plane of the Austrian air force left Tripoli on Monday night for Malta with 62 Europeans on board
@maltipur2 I think you need to re read my post and also watch the news on any foreign channel. The Uk has just mentioned that they will be sending a war ship to the Gulf or Sirte, Turkey have sent two ships, the Austrians have sent the miltary C130, the italians have also planned 3 C130s, Egypt have sent miltary aircraft and have opened the boarder, the Dutch have sent a military aircraft, the Austrian sent another C130 . All these events seem to imply the many countries are worried and have intelligence that things could get nasty. When Tunisia and Egypt had the recent uprising there was never any mention of military evacuation. At this point in time all these military movements are done after obtaining clearance from Tripoli. If things turn nasty you might find that big nations might take a different stand. My point is that if things do get nasty we do not have the military assets to safeguard our people and therefore should obtain assurance from Europe to help us should the need arise.
Well done Air Malta you are the Heroes of this country. What would have those poor workers fleeing a war torn country have done without you, the courageous crew of Air Malta. Shame on those who are trying to weaken you. where are the low cost Airlines now?
All this is fault due to the politics of capitalism where money comes first. Europe and the West must after Gadafi speech leading towards a genocide in his country they all MUST say one thing to GADAFI we will all isolate you by air by sea by commerce until democracy prevails in your country. We should no longer let business and money keep co operation ongoing co operation with Libya should only be done and held once Tripoli becomes democratic.
Gaddafi warns "I WILL CLEANSE THE people house by house if protests persists" Shocking news. GENOCIDE UNDERWAY
10:21 Eyewitness report from Tripoli tells MaltaToday situation is "bad beyond any words... we have Africans and Bangladesh mercenaries shooting randomly at people and all we got is few bricks and knives... it's not a fair fight." Mercenaries have no protection under the Laws of War. If caught they should be shot on site.
Stenbaht anqas l-immigranti illegali ma jridu minghandna ahseb u ara kemm se jigu jiddefenduna. Halluna tridu u tghidux aktar cucati. Ghax ma tarawx kif jghid il-qawl Malti li l-iskubetta fiha l-grillu u kulhadd jaghmel li jaqbillu. Araw ftit dawn il-links u tghallmu forsi ma tghidux aktar cucati. France ignored human rights in Maghreb, cables show 07PARIS3237, FRENCH MFA PUTS SARKOZY'S JULY 10-11 NORTH AFRICA 07TUNIS1095, FRENCH AMBASSADOR,S VIEWS ON TUNISIAN POLITICAL 09TUNIS270, FRENCH PM FILLON SIGNS EIGHT ECONOMIC AGREEMENTS 10PARIS144, FRANCE AND NORTH AFRICA: CURRENT STATE OF PLAY 07PARIS4533, FRENCH MFA OVERVIEW OF NORTH AFRICAN ISSUES 08TRIPOLI868, U.K. DENIES LICENSE FOR EXPORT OF KALASHNIKOVS TO LIBYA; GOL POTENTIALLY SEEKING ALTERNATIVE SELLERS The Union's latest report on arms exports, out in January and covering 2009, says that EU countries granted €687.6 million worth of Libya licences just two years before the massacre.
surfturtle kif jghidu, dak li tisraq ma tgawdihx. Hekk gralu l-Gonz. Seraq l-elezzjoni u Alla ma jhallasx bin-nhar ta' Sibt u ma hamilx u se jkompli jaqlalu l-problemi tad-dinja kollha sakemm jitlaq. Fittex itlaq Gonz u sejjah elezzjoni ghax mhux se jkollok l-ebda mistrieh talli sraqt l-elezzjoni.
Get a life alan smith. As if the military aircraft are going to land in Libya without permission. We have more than enough Air Malta aircraft to bring back all our citizens.
Ballec...L-Airmalta minn Tripli ghadu ma telaqx...nispera mhux jinzamm ostagg sakemm jiehdu l-arjuplani tal gwerra lura...
Many countries have now turned to an evacuation of their citizens with Military aircraft and ships. That leaves us in a very awkward situation as we do not have either and all we can use are commercial assets such as Air Malta which are not adequate in such situations. As an EU member state one would hope that like we were burdened by patrolling and rescuing africans that left the North African coast the EU will provide us with help to evacuate our co nationals should need be. Our government must assure that we are given the help required.
As a person the more i hear him speak ,the more i know him(lawrence Gonzi)! Time Changes and so people changes Lawrence Gonzi! it should not be a problem for you ringing to Muammar gaddafi, since few weeks ago you dined together ;-) to protect well the maltese citizens there- at least... Since the maltese citizens have nothing to do with the protests there! if he says ,NO! than he was not your real=l friend:) Mr.Prime Minister maybe he was playing your game as he knew you just wanted to lick :) no to divorce law, cause lawrence is of good moralities, as he doen't REALLY CARE about all those people who suffered during matrimonial breakdowns(seperations) he said we have to make sacrifices(he said lucky we have 1 euro 16 cents a week, when he had 500 wage weekly increase. these water and electricity high bil1s? Lawrence Gonzi , as a politician and as a huma being you say you are making the good desicions, ,"BUT FOR WHOM YOU ARE"? I SAY THAT YOU SPEAK OF MORALITY AND CONSCIOUS- like the pharisees you are .
Pauline Moran
Wenz hallik milli toqghod tparli fil vojt bhalissa u ara kif ser iggib lil hutna Maltin mil Libya mbghad wara jkollok cans tmur tiehu cafe ghand Gorg ta' San Anton u tghidlu biex ixxolji l-Parlament, izda 'first things first', l-ewwel niehdu hsieb il Maltin li hemm maqbudin hemm. U din tal fighter Jets kien jonqsok. Ahna konna qedghin sew u issa gejna ottu! Issa mhux trouble fil politika interna biss ghandek pero anke min dik esterna! Qed nithasrek Wenz, kollox hazin gej....Mela il Backenchers irrabjati, lil JPO qabbiztilu , Ganni ta' Brussel jikxiflek id dnubijiet, minoranza fil parlament, Trouble fil Libya was hawn bil Fighter jets, Airmalta falluta, Enemalta falluta....x'jonqos Wenz?....
everywhere, and everyone has the right to protest. this happens all over the world, If a person from a certain country, lives in any place of the world outside his/her country, than he has the right to protests in front of his Embassy. at least these small group of Libyans here , can show us how real peaople knows how to protest , with their own initiative..
They should grab the first plane to Tripoli and support their brothers not screaming in vain in Malta
Joe Tanti
Niftakru li ghad hemm numru kbir ta barranin Ewropej u mhux.Fadal numru ta Maltin haddiema fil -Libja.Dawn jista jigu mizmuma bhala ostaggi sabiex Gaddafi jiehu li jrid mil pajjizi rispettivi taghhom.jista jitlob lura dawn iz-zewg kurunelli .Xsejrin nghamlu imbghad?Diga qieghed jedded biz-zejt.Din ta l-ostaggi diga kien ghamila Saddam Hussein fl-Iraq ma pajjizi ferm akbar minna.Kull pass li jittiehed mil awtoritajiet irid jittiehed wara li jintizzen il-konsegwenzi li jistaw joholqulna lilna bhala pajjiz u lil haddiema maltin li ghad hemm fil-Libja.
Joe Tanti
Niftakru li ghad hemm numru kbir ta barranin Ewropej u mhux.Fadal numru ta Maltin haddiema fil -Libja.Dawn jista jigu mizmuma bhala ostaggi sabiex Gaddafi jiehu li jrid mil pajjizi rispettivi taghhom.jista jitlob lura dawn iz-zewg kurunelli .Xsejrin nghamlu imbghad?Diga qieghed jedded biz-zejt.Din ta l-ostaggi diga kien ghamila Saddam Hussein fl-Iraq ma pajjizi ferm akbar minna.Kull pass li jittiehed mil awtoritajiet irid jittiehed wara li jintizzen il-konsegwenzi li jistaw joholqulna lilna bhala pajjiz u lil haddiema maltin li ghad hemm fil-Libja.
Check out the link below to see what Britain has been doing to support Democracy in Libya and Bahrain! or paste: "Bahrain & Libya Weapons Supplied By Britain" on YouTube. (I hope you are not biased like The Times Of Malta, and you will show this comment!)
Nice friend you have hugged in your arms there Mr.Prime Minister! What a good show of morality from you to show ,how we still can be friends and hug regime Leasers like Muammar Gaddafi. Yes you have good moralities and very good conscious. all for the sake of politics! RESIST OR SERVE!
Yes @ truth speaker, Gaddafi is no fool, but desperate people do desperate things and if it's not him, it's one of his sons. When you have your back to the wall, a negative impression of the global media is the last thing on your mind and a knee jerk reaction is always a possibility. Better safe than sorry. In joining the EU, one of our main aims was to request protection in these specific circumstances.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@Stenbaht The colonel is crazy, but he's not a fool. He will never attack a European country, especially while he's fighting (and slowly losing to) his own people. Not for two jets, definitely. On the otherhand aside the fact that as a civilized democracy Malta would never allow people in urgent need of protection in the hands of the tyrant, imagine what a negative impression this would lead in the global media. regarding the planes themselves, I don't know how such thing proceed, but if he wants them back I think he can take them. NOT the pilots though.
Michael Gauci
Estimated 750,000 refugees ready to invade. Norman, your time has arrived!
Sorry but nobody is realizing the gravity of the situation with these 2war planes landing in Malta. What's to stop Gaddafi's planes from attacking these 2 planes in out airport to prevent the possibility that these are used against him. If you were him what would you do?? You would take urgent steps to prevent this possibility by destroying them. And is our AFM prepared to defend our integrity. How?? With a couple of single engined propellor planes that are not even armed. Better get prepared our Faith, Hope and Charity biplanes, as after 70 years i think we need them again.
Fighter pilots claim asylum Reuters reported that two Libyan fighter jets flown by Libyan air force colonels were granted permission to land in Malta after asking for political asylum. They had left from a base near Tripoli and had flown low over Libyan airspace to avoid detection. They arrived shortly after two civilian helicopters carrying seven people claiming to be French landed after a flight from Libya. Sources said the fighter pilots defected because they would not fire on the Tripoli protesters. I am in Tripoli and not in Venezuela. Don't believe those misleading dog stations," he said, referring to media reports that he had left the country. He said rain prevented him from addressing massed protesters. Gadhafi spoke hours after reports that Libyan military aircraft fired live ammunition at crowds of anti-government protesters in Tripoli on Monday. "What we are witnessing today is unimaginable," Adel Mohamed Saleh, an activist in the capital, told Al Jazeera television. His accounts could not be independently confirmed. "Warplanes and helicopters are indiscriminately bombing one area after another. There are many, many dead. Dr.Lawrence Gonzi nice friends whom you have - what a good morality and conscious you have - to have him as your friend, hugs him well again- if you ever ever get the chance again!
Not that big a deal but the two Mirage aircraft at the top of the page are Egyptian Air Force Mirage fighters, not Libyan. You can tell by the orange tail bands added after they encountered Libyan Mirages painted in the same camouflage colors many years ago.
apart from their escape from the rgeime of muammar gaddafi which Lawrence Gonzi embraced and welcomed him here ,which was expected in the next weeks- Those two Jet Fighters fully equpped , that is worrying! What If they had bad intentions? maybe went crazy! we do not have any defence. we don't have any jets like those to intercept any thing like that- when the tower of control intercepts them! First place to come in their mind is Malta -with air! Don't get me wrong about this- I always was concerned about national security- two have a 2 jets in case of an emergency is not a bad idea- peace of mind!
Sorry mate but due to shortage of funds the authorities have already advertised them for sale on Malta park, without pilots of-course.
Well at least Malta has two fighter jets now. Should be good news to AFM
Lino Ferris
Some expression of 'solidarity' indeed!
Great now not only by sea refugies but also by planes and helicopters. Didn't these two pilots hear that Air Malta does not need any pilots?