LIBYA live blog February 24

Ongoing coverage of Libyan protests and developments outside Malta

18:00 Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici reports positive discussions at the JHA council in Brussels, saying European member states have spoken on a "strong response to an extraordinary situation" and plans for a work programme and more funds to deal with an impending humanitarian crisis from Libyan migratory flows.

Earlier on in the day, he faced off claims by Swedish counterpart that Malta and Italy had overstated the crisis in the Medi

"Any programme of responsibility sharing would essentially deal with migrants who are not necessarily in need of refugee protection but of temporary migration from the situation in Libya. In that case, EU states have said they will assist southern member states."

Mifsud Bonnici also said he will be inviting a delegation from the European Commission and Frontex presently to Malta.

Asked as to how Malta might deal with what Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini said could be a migratory influx of 'biblical proportions' - including non-Libyans who seek refugee protection - Mifsud Bonnici said Maltese laws of asylum would still apply. But he would not commit himself on any speculative figures.

"The scenario depends on whether this is a long-drawn out conflict or not, and whether Libya ends up in two states," Mifsud Bonnici said on the state of cooperation between the EU and Libya. Previously Italy and Libya conducted pushbacks of asylum seekers at sea, but the lack of a state would hamper Italian repatriations.

"Malta has always said that in such cases UNHCR must be involved, and we have called for a stronger presence of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees inside Libya so that criminal organisations are bypassed and migrants don't risk their lives at sea."

15:40 Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi gives his third speech to Libyan state TV, this time in the form of an audio broadcast without any visual being transmitted. Doubts as to whether Gaddafi was the actual speaker were expressed by listeners on Twitter. A change of tone was visible throughout his speech urging 'a positive response' to people's demands.

Gaddafi's speech as live translated and tweeted by @Abdulla_AlAthba from Qatar.

I'm sad for Zawya, I told the forces to stop. You know I won the wars against USA, Egypt and all these wars etc..,

These thugs will bother you Zawya... they will loot your houses. I'm sorry for the four killed in Zawya, they are my sons, I educated them, and feed them. I'm proud of Zawyas, free army officers coming from you and other cities.

Zawya, Be aware of the drugs given to your kids, bring them back to home, don't let these terrorists ruin it. Zawya, these people put drugs for your kids in coffee, so be aware! 

During his speech, Gaddafi also repeatedly blamed the unrest on Al Qaeda influences and masterminded by terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. "It is obvious now, that it is run by Al-Qaeda," he was quoted as saying by an Al Jazeera interpreter. "These armed youngsters, our children, are being incited by those people, who are wanted by America and the Western world.

"Those inciting them are very few in numbers - and we have to capture them. Others have to stay at home. They have guns, they are feeling trigger happy, and they shoot especially when they are stoned on drugs," the interpreter quoted.

14:58 Baida Forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Gaddafi were reported to be striking back in several cites surrounding Tripoli on Thursday, as rebellion crept closer to the capital and defections of military officers multiplied.The New York Times says witnesses said thousands of members of this irregular army were massing on roads to the capital, Tripoli, where one resident described scenes evocative of anarchic Somalia: clusters of heavily armed men in mismatched uniforms clutching machine guns and willing to carry out orders to kill Libyans that other police and military units, and even fighter pilots, have refused.

Some residents of Tripoli said they took the gathering army as a sign that the uprising might be entering a decisive stage, with Colonel Gaddafi fortifying his main stronghold in the capital and protesters there gearing up for their first organized demonstration after days of spontaneous rioting and bloody crackdowns.

14:43 Cal Perry from Al Jazeera tweets that 'During presser at #Libya embassy: man with handi-cam from govt. tapes all faces of press. Then amb. invites #Malta press to go to Tripoli!'

14:32 US embassy spokesperson says Virtù Ferries catamaran will only depart when weather improves. Boat is carrying American citizens and four Maltese nationals from Tripoli. "At the moment, we’re anticipating this will happen by tomorrow morning, but we’re waiting for an updated weather report... Passengers will remain on board, there are provisions available, and the ship is secure. The ferry will depart as soon as weather conditions permit.”

14:20 Reports from Misurata that up to 1,000 members of Gaddafi "Hamza Brigade" have mounted an attack on protesters near the city's airport and then repelled, but later launched an attack on the centre of the city, and fighting continues.

12:32 Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt has arrived in Malta on a private plane to hold talks with foreign minister Tonio Borg over evacuation of Swedish citizens from Malta.

12:13 Libyan ambassador to Malta Saadun Suayeh to stay on to 'protect Libyan interests in Malta'.

12:00 Italian coast-guard frigate Fenici enters Grand Harbour. Yesterday, the Fenice from the Italian Comando delle Forze da Pattugliamento per la Sorveglianza e la Difesa Costiera COMFORPAT and the Bettica from COMSQUAPAT 2 were patrolling the seas for Libyan warships.

11:45 One TV journalist Anthony David Gatt says on Twitter that Libyan ambassador to Malta speaks of "him representing Libyans, state, country but never government."

11:39 AD calls for European responsibility sharing on migrants from Libya.

11:38 Libyan ambassador to Malta says for Al Qaida responsible for disturbances in the east.

10:05 An eyewitness who spoke to MaltaToday via Skype said that pro-government mercenaries had carried out an attack this morning at Zawia. Mercenaries failed to take over the city and fled back to Tripoli. But around 15-20 people died and 50 others wounded. "It was early this morning at around 9am when mercenaries started their attacks, breaking into houses."

21:29 February 23 - Government sources say there is "no indication" that Aisha Gaddafi was on board the LAA plane that was refused landing permission in Malta, and denied earlier reports that Libyan warships had been outside Maltese waters. Around 83 Maltese remain in Libya waiting to be evacuated from desert outposts and Benghazi. Plans to charter private aircraft and put Maltese aboard 'Chinese flotilla' to evacuate those over 1,000kms away from Tripoli.