Netherlands PM thanks Malta, Greece as Libya frees captured Dutch navy crew

Libya has released three Dutch soldiers who were captured in Sirte two weeks ago and have been flown out to Athens on board a Greek military plane that also evacuated Greek nationals.

News reports from Tripoli suggest that the three Dutch Navy crew members, including a woman, were freed after intense negotiations that were led by Seif Al-Islam on the Libyan side and Greek and Maltese diplomats who were summoned to Tripoli airport to receive the Dutch crew.

Greek Junior foreign affairs minister Demetrius Dolis flew to Tripoli aboard the Greek airforce plane and returned to Athens with the released crew.

Dutch Prime minister Mark Rutte said he was delighted at the news and thanked Greece and Malta for their role in ensuring the release.

Defence minister Hans Hillen said the three, including one woman, had been properly treated but said they had nevertheless gone through a traumatic experience. ‘But soldiers are trained for these situations. The Lynx helicopter crew was very experienced.’

The three were captured on February 27 in the northern coastal city of Sirte while trying to evacuate two civilians by navy helicopter with no backup on board.

On Tuesday Dutch Defence Minister Hans Hillen told parliament that a Dutch envoy had seen the three who "are being treated well" and efforts to release them were underway

"They are in good form, they have enough to eat and drink," the minister told MPs.

"Intensive diplomatic consultations are underway for their release," he said.

On Sunday, The envoy, identified as Ed Kronenburg, the Secretary General at the Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry was in Malta and held meetings on Monday morning with Maltese foreign affairs ministry permanent secretary John Paul Grech.

it doesn't matter if politicians betray their principles in the name of "national interest" (i.e. money). The principle remains unchanged; Gaddafi is a criminal and there should be no negotiations or mediation. . The only thing to discuss with him is in which country he and his sons can go and hide
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella: " One should never mediate between a murderer and his victims. Only those who hope that Gaddafi will remain in power think there there should be have been mediation." We'll just wait for a few months' time and see what happens. We'll who will be the first "lecca culi".
One should never mediate between a murderer and his victims. Only those who hope that Gaddafi will remain in power think there there should be have been mediation. . This kind of reasoning is what prompts me to think that Maltese supporters of Gaddafi are desperately trying to find ways - never mind how far-fetched - of saving his regime. Why? . If anything, Malta should have been more unequivocal in telling the tyrant to step down.
Micheal Bonanno
@Michael 001. Jien nahseb qieghed tizbalja hawn siehbi. Ahna l-Laburisti mhux hodor. Ahna biss saqajna ma' l-art u ma nhallu l-ebda tlellix jghamina. Vera l-PM mexa kif kellu jimxi f'din is-sitwazzjoni. Imma l-punt qieghed hawn. Il-PM jidher li jdejh marbuta minn Brussells. Kellu cans kien jidher bhala statista nternazzjonali billi jkun medjatur. Imma halla lil Barroso jdawwarlu fhiemtu. Fatt iehor li darrasna lilna l-Laburisti hi, li mkien, ma jissemma l-fatt li l-PM qieghed jahdem with the full cooperation of the Opposition! U allura, nghid jien, mhux bilfors imbaghad tibda bhala Laburista, tibda tiehu kollox "with a pinch of salt"?
Albert Zammit
Avolja xejn ma niehu gost ninzel ghal livell daqshekk baxx li jkolli naqbel ma' Antoine Vella ... ikolli nghid li hawnhekk, ghandu ragun. Iva ma tistghux tifirhu li PM Malti qed jahdem tajjeb fuq din il-problema? Bilfors tridu turu dik il-hdura marradija li ghandkom lejn kull haga li tmur kontra l-partit taghkom? Possibbli daqshekk hodor? Iva kif ma tifilhux taraw li qed issir xi haga sew u tammettu u tappoggjaw lil dak li jkun?! Bhiiii ghalikom, xi hdura u intern hazin ghandkom!
Il-aħwa, x'tinħarqu.
@bzaru Let him ride on the crest of the wave. Let him enjoy it while he can. It is only temporarily as the country is in shambles!
Is-sabiha mhux dik. Jekk tidhol fuq it-TIMES tara patafjun kummenti jfahhru lil GONZI ghax ma riedx jidhol medjatur bejn il-Libja u l-UE. Fost dawn hemm ukoll ex-ambaxxatur li fiz-zmien kien surmast tal-iskola !!. U hallina Varist. U hawn naraw lill-Gvern Olandiz ifahharna , flimkien mal-Grecja ghax ghamilniha ta' medjaturi biex jinhelsu ostaggi. Kieku saret medjazzjoni , mhux biex ma jsirux izjed qtil ta' nies innocenti u ma tibqax tikber it-tragedja ?. Allura fejn hi l-konsistenza ?. Hawn il-Gvern Malti kellu okkazzjoni vera biex juri l-hila tieghu bhala medjatur internazzjonali. Ma nafx ghaliex din giet rifjutata. Hemm konna naraw il-veri par idejn sodi. Okkazzjoni mitlufa li forsi ghad jiddispjacina li tlifniha.
Self-praise is no recommendation
The comments section of the Malta Times usually go to sleep at 9.00 pm. Today, Thursday and specifically at 11.16 pm, the comments section is alive and kicking! Why? PN apologists are praising in heaps and in droves Dr Gonzi for saying what is obvious; Gaddafi has to stop the killing fields at home!