Circus trainer mauled to death by tigers in Italy
Ettore Weber the renowned animal trainer at Marina Orfei Circus was mauled to death by three tigers during a rehearsal

Four tigers belonging to the Marina Orfei Circus mauled their trainer to death, during a rehearsal in Triggiano, Bari.
According to reports by the Italian newspaper Repubblica, Ettore Weber died Thursday evening. The police said one of the tigers bit Weber, prompting the other three to attack. The animals mauled the tamer for some 20 minutes, leaving paramedics unable to enter the ring.

Weber, who was in his early sixties, died from his injuries.
Weber's show was part of the circus's event that featured live animals from five different continents. It was due to run from 15 June to 14 July.
The tamer's death provoked fierce criticism on social media of circuses that still feature wild animals.
The Marina Orfei Circus had previously come to Malta in 2013, marking it as one of the last circuses with wild animals to appear on the island. Famously, three tiger cubs were born on the way to Malta. Weber had introduced the cubs to the Maltese media.