Brussels proposes temporary reintroduction of internal border controls
The European Commission has presented initiatives for a rapid-response approach from the EU to migration, in view of the current developments in the Mediterranean.
The EC said it may be necessary to introduce temporary internal border controls in the Schengen zone under very exceptional circumstances, such as where a part of the external border comes under heavy unexpected pressure.
The initiatives cover various aspects of migration, including strengthened border control and Schengen governance, completion of the Common European Asylum System, and a strategic approach for relations with third countries on migration.
“Recent events have triggered concerns about the functioning of the Schengen system. The free movement of people across European borders is a major achievement which must not be reversed, but rather strengthened. That is why the Commission has already proposed a better evaluation mechanism to ensure that the external borders are effectively controlled,” said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner responsible for Home Affairs.
“The EU must live up to its vocation to offer a haven to those in need of protection, and at the same time show solidarity both with the countries in North Africa which are currently sheltering the vast bulk of the migrants from Libya, as well as with those of our Member States faced with the greatest influx of migrants arriving by sea,” Malmström said.
Since the beginning of the year, there has been a massive displacement of populations from several North African countries, and in particular from Libya.
According to the latest estimates, more than 650,000 persons have left the territory of Libya to flee the violence there. These people have found hospitality in neighbouring countries, primarily in Tunisia and Egypt, and many have since managed, or been assisted, to return to their respective home countries.
More than 25,000 migrants, mainly from Tunisia and, to a lesser extent from other African countries, have fled towards the EU, reaching the shores of Italy, most to the Italian island of Lampedusa, and Malta.
Malmström said it was also clear that the EU would benefit from some targeted labour immigration in order to help address expected labour shortages in many sectors, and to redress the projected decline in Europe's working age population in the coming years.
“But migration must at the same time be properly managed – this means ensuring effective border control and the return of irregular migrants. This also means that we should not leave it only up to the Member States at our external borders to deal with extraordinary migratory situations. And this means setting up migration and mobility partnerships with non-EU countries so that we can work together.
“We must keep these long-term goals in mind also when dealing with the more urgent needs resulting from the turbulence in North Africa,” Malmström said.