Insider tips: on maximizing intelligent automation
The insurance industry is now looking beyond artificial intelligence and moving towards intelligent automation...
There is no doubt that intelligent automation will dramatically impact claims, underwriting, customer experience and more; but what are the immediate steps for implementation?
AI experts from RSA, AXA, NN, QBE and Generali have provided us with insider tips on how to maximise intelligent automation.

If you download this whitepaper, you'll get strategies for immediate implementation, including:
- Intelligent Automation Blueprint: How to move from utilising robotic automation for repetitive processes to developing a blueprint for how and where to expand into intelligent automation across processes
- The evolution of process automation: Learn the steps you can take to move beyond basic robotics to intelligent interaction and realise automation's enterprise-wide potential
- Develop a data-driven Intelligent automation model through the practical application of structured and unstructured data to make the shift to cognitive automation
Listen to exclusive insights and real-life stories around automation from:
- Steve Tait, Head of Claims Automation, RSA
- Christophe Castan, Head of Artificial Intelligence – Digital Transformation, AXA
- Scott Jacobs, Operations Excellence Lead, QBE
- Roger Lewis, Chief Underwriting Officer, NN Group
- Alessandra Chiuderi, Head of Customer Data Analytics, Generali