Veteran sports journalist passes away
Veteran sports journalist and newscaster Colin Cauchi passed away suddenly today.
Colin Cauchi had a career in sports for over 50 years both as administrator, official, journalist and sports newscaster.
Cauchi wa also a former General Secretary of the National Sports Board. For many years, he was President of the Sportsmen of the Year Awards and the former Secretary of the Football Federation, which he on the MFA Council. For 22 years, he was president of the Federazzjoni Klabbs tal-Bocci and was instrumental for the association to affiliate to the Federazione Boccistica Internazionale and gave a helping hand in setting up the European Bocci Federation.
Cauchi had also been a newscaster with Rediffusion, Radju Malta, Xandir Malta and Super One Radio. For several years, he was also the vice president of the Ghaqda Kittieba Sports.
In a statement, the Malta Football Association expressed its condolences for the passing away of Cauchi and hailed his work in sports.