Maltese referees’ participation during UEFA Under 17 mini-tournament in Malta
Elite Referee Trustin Farrugia Cann and Elite Assistant Referee Duncan Sultana are currently officiating in the European Under-17 Championship 2013 Qualifying Round Group 9 Mini-Tournament being played in Malta from the 29th September to the 04th October 2012.
The other match officials are Referees Alexander Harkam (Austria), Bardhyl Pashaj (Albania) and Radu Marian Petrescu (Romania) and Assistant Referees Andreas Witschnigg (Austria), Ridiger Çokaj (Albania) and Radu Adrian Stefan Ghinguleac (Romania).
Duncan Sultana as Assistant Referee and Trustin Farrugia Cann as 4th Official are involved in the matches involving Iceland, Norway and Portugal.
The UEFA Officials who are overseeing the tournament are Messrs Ivan Borissov Lekov (Bulgaria) as Delegate, Costas Kapitanis (Cyprus) and Anders Mattson (Finland) as Referee Observers.