Valletta and KS Ruch Chorzów play to a 1-1 draw

Terence Scerri gave Valletta some hope for the second leg to be played on July 22 in Poland when he scored 15 minutes from time to cancel out a first-half penalty shot from KS Ruch Chorzów.

Valletta’s 11 attempts on goal compared to the four of KS Ruch Chorzów showed that they had the most chances during the match, but luck was not on their side. KS Ruch Chorzów were the more aggressive side with 13 fouls and four yellow cards compared to the seven fouls of Valletta.

KS Ruch Chorzów’ went for the attack at the beginning of the match when on the third minute Marcin Zajac had the first shot on goal that was blocked by Valletta’s goalkeeper Andrew Hogg. Valletta gave a immediate response when Denni Rocha Santos had a low shot deflected by the visitors goalkeeper Plarz for minutes later.

Valetta had a number of opportunities when on the ninth minute a fantastic free kick by Gilbert Agius was partially saved by Plarz and another attempt on the 15th minute by Ian Zammit was not successful.
KS Ruch Chorzów took the lead on the 18th minute when Steve Bezzina brought down Sebastian Olszar inside the area. Referee Menashe Masiah ordered a penalty in which Wojciech Grzyb made no mistake of putting KS Ruch Chorzów with a precious one goal advantage.

Valletta then started to pile on the pressure when on the 24th minute a angled shot by Omonigho Temile missed the target. On the 28th minute Gilbert Agius had another free kick deflected away from goal. Valletta came close to the equaliser when on 31 minutes Dyson had a shot from outside the area going just over the top bar.

Dyson Falzon’s attempt on goal that was deflected by the KS Ruch Chorzów goalkeeper five minutes from the end of the first half. KS Ruch Chorzów could have doubled the score when Lukasz Janoszk failed to connect very good cross by Sebastian Olszar three minutes later.

In the second half Roderick Briffa’s header that was received from a corner by Ian Zammit was denied by the visitors goalkeeper. Valletta kept trying for the equaliser when Briffa’s attempt on goal was also deflected by the goalkeeper.

KS Ruch Chorzów again almost doubled the score line when Wojciech Grzyb shot from the right hit the Valletta crossbar. On the 72nd minute Jonathan Caruana had a very good opportunity to get the equaliser when from inside the area his shot went wide.

On the 75th minute it was finally the moment the Citezens were waiting for when a pass by Valletta’s Dos Santos was received well by substitute Terrence Scerri who continued to control the ball in the area to put the ball past the KS Ruch Chorzów goalkeeper to give Valletta a well deserved equiliser.

Just three minutes before the end of the match Arkadiusz Piech could have regained the lead for the visitors when he failed to connect from a perfect cross by Lukasz Janoszk.

Valletta must try to cancel out the away goal of KS Ruch Chorzów in Poland next week if they want to advance to the next round.