VIDEO: David Beckham confronts a heckler after LA Galaxy game

David Beckham confronts a heckler yelling comments regarding recent prostitute allegations.

David Beckham confronted a man yelling "Prostitutes! Stop with the prostitutes!"  as he was making his way to the dressing room.

When Beckham turned on the man and told him to repeat the comments to his face the accusor replies meekly, 'I didn't say anything', before Beckham - upset at being taunted by one of his own club's supporters, snaps: "You got a Galaxy shirt on! You got a Galaxy shirt on!"

Again, the heckler insists, 'I didn't say anything', at which Beckham turns to walk away. But still furious, he turns back and, pointing at his head, mouths the words: "Say it to my face."

Watch the whole incident below as recorded by UK publication The News of the World: