[WATCH] Inter Club PUPI Zanetti Malta inaugurates its new premises
Thursday 26 March 2015, is a memorable date for Inter Club PUPI Zanetti Malta, which inaugurated its new premises at Triq l-Irmigg, Msida.

A memorable evening for all members present for this occasion as the special guest was the former Captain and current Vice President of Inter, Javier Zanetti.
The President of the Inter Club PUPI Zanetti Malta, Paul Fenech thanked all members for their support and their collaboration in order for this dream to become a reality. During his speech, he thanked the committee also for its valuable work, as several important activities where organised including a Training Camp Javier Zanetti, a Training Camp Ivan Ramiro Cordoba and also a party for children in church homes under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. Paul Fenech praised the fact that although this club was only founded ten months ago, it already boasts more than 420 members already.

Invited for this special evening was Nicola Ranieri, Director of Centro Coordinamento Inter Club. He praised the enthusiasm of the committee of this club, and admired the fact that in so little time, very important successes were achieved by this club. Dr. Ranieri thanked also the Maltese Interisti for their warm welcome.
Inter Vice-President Javier Zanetti stated that it is a pleasure and an honour to visit our islands, as well meeting with the Maltese Interisti.
In his speech Zanetti agreed with Nicola Ranieri that this club achieved great success in such a short space of time with enthusiasm and dedication and stated that it is a great honour that the club was named for him.
Javier Zanetti presented gifts of appreciation to the members who helped and dedicated a lot of time, to make sure that the premises can host its members. Zanetti and Ranieri were also given a token to remember this special event.
After the inauguration a reception was held at Cavalieri Hotel.
More information about the club can be found on www.icpupizanettimalta.com