UEFA charge Arsenal’s Arsene Wenger and Samir Nasri

UEFA have taken the decision to take action against Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger and midfielder Samir Nasri.

The negative comments directed to referee Massimo Busacca’s decisions during the match against Barcelona did not go down well with the UEFA officials.

The controversial decision was the second yellow card that Van Persie received for taking a shot at goal after the linesman had ruled him offside.

Wenger and Nasri both labeled the decision a ‘joke’.

Van Persie insisted that he could not hear the whistle over the 90,000 fans packed in the stadium, and took his shot just a second after Busacca blew.

It was also revealed that Van Persie will have no chance to appeal the sending off as it was for a second yellow.

A UEFA spokesman said: "Under Article 44.4 of UEFA's disciplinary regulations, appeals are only allowed against cautions on the grounds of mistaken identity."

UEFA did confirm that referee Busacca’s performance will be evaluated; however, it will not be for public consumption.

"Referees are always evaluated," added the spokesman. "There is a referee observer who evaluates their performance.

"These are taken into account internally in terms of appointments but we never make that public."

Astrolux boy you are right 100%. Platini has become the opposite of the class stylish player he once was. He is a now a fat sleazy politician who has lost the plot completely. UEFA did confirm that referee Busacca’s performance will be evaluated; however, it will not be for public consumption. If this was ruling of Saudi Arabia or China i would understand it but in modern day Europe it is not acceptable. The sending off was a disgrace. At least the best team did win.
Jiena ma inhiex supporter ta' l-Arsenal imma jiena ta' l-opinjoni illi kemm idum Platini jmexxi l-UEFA t-tiemijiet Inglizi se jaqighu go rashom ghax dak minn dejjem qatt ma hamilhom lill-Inglizi bhal Francizi kollha. Dak il-glorja jridha kullimkien barra fejn jidhlu l-Inglizi u anek li FIFA l-istess. L-Inglizi kienu l-pampaluni u l-pijunieri tal-football u kem il-UFEA u l-FIFA kif immexxijin bhalissa jridu jkissruhom. L-Arsenal ghalija gew misruqin u kkastigati minhabba din l-agenda.