First ever official sitting volleyball activity at MCAST

The Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) in Paola was the setting for the first ever sitting volleyball activity here in Malta, held lately for the 1st Year students currently frequenting the Extended Diploma in Sport course at the same college.

This session was held as part of the unit called 'Exercise for Specific Groups' during which students acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge of how to organise activities for specific groups such as elderly people, people with disability, children and pregnant women.

Mr. Renzo Grech Cumbo, lecturer for this unit, explained that during this unit students attend Elderly Day Centres, Refugee Closed Centres as well as meet other students with a disability which attend MCAST itself. They also have different sessions such as the one dealing with Sitting Volleyball.

This session, which was led by Mr. Nello Calleja, international Sitting Volleyball referee, dealt briefly with some of the aspects of sitting volleyball, mainly the differences in rules between sitting volleyball and normal indoor volleyball, the skills needed to move on the floor, as well as the proper skills to play sitting volleyball. 


Can someone explain what an 'Extended Diploma in Sport' is exactly? what a daft name- Do they get a diploma with a flip over extension, or what? I never cease to be amazed at what some of our allegedly learned Maltese come up with.