Aquatics Competition 2010

For the 2nd consecutive year Special Olympics Malta will be holding the Special Olympics Aquatics Competition on the 27th of June 2010, at the National Pool Tal-Qroqq. Registrations and event start at 9:00am.

This year has been a big year for Special Olympics Malta, full of successes for our Athletes. Great results have been achieved and honour has been brought to our country. We continue to anticipate more of this success and all this is due to the hard work, excellent training and determination of our coaches and volunteers who give their utmost to our athletes. The dedication and determination we see in our athletes is of gratitude to this work and is echoed also into family members and friends.

Awareness of total inclusivity is a major issue in our organisation. Our athletes obtain and achieve winning results and prove high standards in all abilities.

Four local swimming clubs Neptunes, IASIS, Sirens and TA' Qali will be competing against and along with Special Olympics Swimmers in an event organized by Special Olympics on Sunday 27th of June at the National Pool in Tal- Qroqq.

Special Olympics, our athletes, their families and friends would like to invite all aquatics lovers and their respective supporters to join them on on Sunday 27th where they will enjoy, support, have fun and believe in " I Know I can” philosophy which is ever so evident in our athletes.

Finally Special Olympics Athletes would like to thank the Parliamentary Secretary for Sports and Youth, KMS, Vodafone Malta Foundation and others for their ongoing support.