Luxol Youth Basketball programme for season 2012/2013
The Luxol Basketball Nursery resumes its activities for Season 2012/2013 on Saturday, 29th September, 2012, with regular training sessions by qualified staff coaches (who have recently attended a Refresher Course in Scotland) every Saturday mornings as well as weekdays at the Luxol Gym in Tobruk Road, Pembroke.
Applications for limited vacancies in the various age-groups ranging from U/8 up to U/16 Boys/Girls will be considered.
Nursery officials will be in attendance at the Luxol Gym office on Saturday mornings to receive applications from young players accompanied by their parents.
For more information send an SMS/phone on 79537061 or 99539951 or send an e-mail at [email protected]
As in previous years, Luxol – one of the oldest and most successful Basketball clubs on the Island - will participate in all MBA activities and competitions during the coming season starting from the U/8, U/10, U/12 (Mini-Basket), U/14 (Cadets/Cadettes), U16 (Junior) and U/19 (Young Men/Women), U23s up to the First Division in both male and female categories