Kunsill Malti għall-iSport organises sports education programme

Kunsill Malti għall-iSport is organising an 8-week basic sports education programme ‘Performance Course – Level 1’, which is both theoretical and hands-on.

This course is designed for students between the ages of 12 to 14 who either have the intention of choosing the PE Option course or are interested to learn more about rules, sport activities and physical education.

This course spans a total of 8 weeks and will be held on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s from 9am to noon. Course content will include both theory and practice with sessions being held in various venues appropriate for each activity. The theoretical part focuses on the role of coach, health and hygiene, rules and techniques, tactics, first aid and the muscular and skeletal system. What is covered in the theorectical part will then be put into practise during the practical sessions. Sports disciplines covered include Handball, Frizbee, Dance, Swimming, Football, Dodgeball, Athletics, Hockey, Cycling, Athletics and Kayaking. Participants who complete the course will be graded and awarded a certificate.

The course is limited to 15 students and will commence mid-July. Sessions will be held at Cottonera Sports Complex, Tal-Qroqq Sports Complex and other venues. Transport will be organised from venues according to requirement. The fee for the course is €150. For detailed schedule, application form and further information kindly e-mail, [email protected] or call on 21 660658.