Sport equipment scheme for families as from next week
Applications for the Sports Equipment Scheme can be made from Monday 12th August 2013.
The government has launched the Sports Equipment Scheme to encourage more families to take up sport.
Applications will be available as from Monday 12th August.
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna and Parliamentary Secretary Stefan Buontempo said this scheme will address the need for a healthier and physically active society. Applicable to anyone, the sport equipment scheme is a way of reaching out to communities, by enticing individuals who might not be able to pay for gym or club membership to practice at home.
The Finance Minister in his message emphasised Malta's need for a healthier society which would result in financial gains by reducing the expenditure bill of the health sector.
Applicants can benefit from a 15.25% grant, up to a maximum of €100 per person.
The scheme will be valid till 31st December 2013 or till the 1,000th application has been submitted, if earlier.
Application forms can be obtained by either visiting the offices of the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport or visiting