Weightlifting International Club tournament
This year's ZKC Weightlifting International Club tournament saw 6 local clubs participate out of 64, from different parts of the world, with 397 male and 115 female competitors battling for titles.
The best results from the local clubs came from Cottonera Males, who placed 15th out of 43 clubs, and Starmax Females placing 12th out of 40 clubs.
The best individual placing from the Maltese athletes came by way of Malcolm Camilleri, of the -56kg category, lifting a total of 121kg and by Kieran Mifsud of the -94kg category, both placing 1st in the under-15 and 2nd in the under-17 categories. Kirstin Coleiro also achieved a good result, placing 3rd in the under-15 category, by lifting a total of 109kg all of Cottonera WL centre.
In the Seniors section, the best result came from Noel Coleiro, of the -94kg category, who placed 13th out of 65 with a total of 240kg, followed by Martin Mifsud of the -105kg category who lifted a total of 222kg placing 17th out of 48 athletes both from Cottonera WL centre. Other athletes making significant results where Ryan Agius from Heavy-light-weights club placing 27th out of 75 lifting 215 kg in the 85kg category lifting the total of 215kg. Trailing behind him was Chris Schinas from Tarxien Club placing 14th out of 29 in the -69kg category lifting a total of 170kg.
The best female result was achieved by Nicole Gatt 53 kg category of Starmax placing 2nd in the U-17, other good result was from a newcomer athlete of Mcast Paola, Hayley Mizzi scoring higher points then rivals from Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
All Maltese weightlifting clubs are now focused on the next local competition organized by MWA Malta weightlifting Association on Sunday 13th July at the cottonera sport complex from 9.30 am onwards.