Karl Galea – Newly Appointed ASA Acting Vice President
Mr Karl Galea was born in Sliema 15th July 1973. At the age of 11, he was introduced to water polo by his uncle and played with the Sliema youth teams until the age of 18.
He then joined the Sliema ASC subcommittee responsible for monitoring and coordinating the building of the club premises. After that, he was invited to join the main committee and has served within the Sliema ASC committee in different capacities and under three Presidencies, the late Edwin Meli, Michael Soler and Michael Gatt, for 21 years.
In September 2013, due to personal business commitments, he decided to call it a day. However, once his business situation had returned to normal, he again found the time and vigour necessary to commit to the sport. In February 2014, ASA President Joe Caruana Curran requested his assistance in the organisation of Juniors Under 19 European Qualifying Tournament that was to be held locally in May. He immediately accepted and quickly blended in with the organising committee also due to his close familiarity with General Secretary Marco Manara, Treasurer Edgar Izzo and Organising Secretary Rita Azzopardi.
Following the call for nominations to the post of ASA Vice President Water Polo and the cancellation of the purposely called Extraordinary General Meeting because no nominations had been received, Mr Galea was again approached and requested by President Joe Caruana Curran to fill in this post. He accepted and the ASA Executive Committee appointed Mr Galea as Acting Vice President Water Polo. The decision was announced to those Council Members and Club Delegates present at the close of the Annual General Meeting 2013 held on Monday 19th May.
Mr Galea will serve in this acting role until the next Annual General Meeting that is to be held in November 2014 whereupon a fresh call for nominations to the post of ASA Vice President Water Polo will be issued.