Owning an electric car is and will remain expensive despite government strategy, PN says
Bernard Grech denies having prior access to Caruana Galizia public inquiry findings
Lower target for carbon reduction is government's 'certificate of failure', PN says
PN critical of Home Affairs Minister's abject silence 48 hours after prison inmate's death
[WATCH] Minister, prison director responsible for inmates leaving CCF in coffins - PN
PN urges government to seek EU assistance over expected influx of Afghan refugees
No Marsascala marina before proper impact assessments and consultation, PN says
Updated COVID strategy for schools is needed, PN says
PN to oversee Caruana Galizia public inquiry reforms with ‘Never Again’ committee
Abide by the inquiry recommendations and expel Zammit Lewis insists PN
‘Grazzi Ġaħan’: PN’s new billboards target justice minister’s chat with Yorgen Fenech
Michael Piccinino appointed Nationalist Party general secretary
Take action on Electrogas, PN tells Police Commissioner
PN: Community Chest Fund's fight for crypto donation highlights 'incompetent' government
PN is ‘modern choice’ for middle-of-the-road voters, Bernard Grech says
PN is ‘modern choice’ for middle-of-the-road voters, Bernard Grech says
Court reprimands Delia loyalist over altercation with Jason Azzopardi
Lovin Malta founder to become Nationalist Party’s chief strategist
PN: Opening to vaccinated tourists only ‘extreme’ and ‘discriminatory’
Nationalist MPs insist Rosianne Cutajar must be removed from Labour parliamentary group
PN expects government MPs to adopt Hyzler report on Cutajar
PN to hold General Council between 10 and 17 July
FATF greylisting ‘a punishment for the whole country’ - Bernard Grech
PN drags feet on cannabis reform
Karl Azzopardi
PN wants Gozitans to decide in referendum on tunnel project
PN will close down Mount Carmel as part of mental health reform strategy
‘Carmelo Abela compromised, he must step down’, says David Thake
Grech takes a leaf from the Muscat playbook: will the PN’s utilities campaign be as effective?
Why Malta needs a humane prison policy for a better society
PN reverses decision to withdraw from Lands Authority board, nominates Kristy Debono
PN receiving complaints on utility bills overcharging
PN proposes inmates addicted to drugs be treated outside prison
PN data hack: cyber criminals leak details of over 21,000 people
PN fails to explain how women who get an abortion will not be imprisoned despite law
[WATCH] Carmelo Abela must resign from Cabinet pending police investigation, PN insists
[WATCH] Grech: abortion law a deterrent 'but PN doesn’t want women imprisoned'
[ANALYSIS] The numbers say the PN is in decline. Here are four reasons why
Grech threatened the sack for Delia and Azzopardi in PN discord meeting
Azzopardi’s shock declaration: ‘It doesn’t result that hundreds of messages were exchanged between Yorgen Fenech and Delia’
Grech’s call for urgent PN executive meeting raises more questions than answers… about him