Bernard Grech files declaration of interest to contest PN leadership
PN yet to decide on Anglu Farrugia Speaker nomination
Former PN media head says party must enter forced administration
PN piggybacks on Joseph Muscat to lambast government over ‘lack of economic vision’
PN executive committee unanimously agrees on leadership election procedure
How does Bernard Grech’s shadow cabinet compare to Abela’s team of Ministers?
PN leadership race kicks off on Sunday with general council
PN advances manure use to mitigate rising fertiliser costs for farmers
Chris Said and the toxic link to the Gonzi years
Bernard Grech chooses shadow cabinet in major shakeup
The PN paradox: Renewal under a beaten leader
Robert Cutajar appointed PN parliamentary group secretary instead of Karol Aquilina
Jason Azzopardi bows out of PN: ‘You will start to understand why I was an uncomfortable presence for many’
Clyde Puli questions PN’s exclusion strategy that delivered new faces but not new votes
Robert Arrigo will not seek second term as PN deputy leader
PN awaits casual elections before leadership race timeline
Former Nationalist MP calls for new liberal democratic movement
Promise kept: PN costs its manifesto proposals at €6 billion
PN files warrant of prohibitory injunction over Electoral Commission’s refusal to cancel prison voting
PN wants more autonomy for Gozo
Election 2022
Kurt Sansone
PN wants prison voting to be held again after ‘tens’ of inmates voted illegally
PN collects €1,428,680 during election campaign fund-raising marathons
PN's new economic sectors will bring in billions without damaging environment, Grech stresses
Bernard Grech says a gap reduction between parties would be a positive for democracy
Labour resorting to threats, deceit to discourage PN voters in Gozo, Grech says
PN tram to run on six circular lines from Birżebbuġa to Ċirkewwa
Bernard Grech questions whether Robert Abela colluded on Portelli's Sannat permit grant
PN proposes €40 million national fund to ease import and export costs
Bernard Grech tells nurses' union wages have to improve
Bernard Grech: 'Where is Labour's manifesto? Robert Abela doesn't want to do his homework'
Grech to hunters: referendum vote will be respected by PN
[WATCH] Bernard Grech admits PN manifesto mistake on housing rent subsidies
PN pledges 15 days paternity leave, eight weeks parental leave
[WATCH] White Rocks first to be transformed into ODZ land, Bernard Grech pledges
PN pledges entity for the promotion of the Maltese language
[WATCH] PN proposals costings will be published closer to election - Bernard Grech
Franco Debono excludes PN election candidature
Bernard Grech compares removal of banners at Russian embassy with Caruana Galizia memorial clearance
PN pledges VAT reduction to 7% for bars and restaurants
The carrot (and the stick) in the PN’s manifesto
Election 2022
James Debono / Kurt Sansone