‘Not our problem’ is not exactly an answer...
A different world awaits us
Michael Falzon
Here’s the crisis. Where’s the plan?
Resilient nation: from pandemic to progress
Air Malta: Pressing the button? | Clive Aquilina Spagnol
Pandemics are no excuse to just forget about human rights
A crash landing for Air Malta pilots
‘Mixed messages’? More like dangerous contradictions...
‘God’s punishment’ for what, exactly?
Judging the judges
Michael Falzon
In it together | Helena Grech
Enforcement cannot just be for lesser mortals
Future-proofing our societies
Miriam Dalli
‘Swift action’? By the EU? You’ve got to be kidding me...
The ITS deal mess
Michael Falzon
COVID-19? It’s Mother Nature’s revenge for Bruno the Bear...
All hands on deck | Julia Farrugia
Amazing, how quickly we all forgot about the EU...
The end of the world as we know it
Michael Falzon
It’s war... but not as our grandparents knew it
Coronavirus: How the world is reacting to a pandemic | Neville Zammit
Subsidising a waste management disaster | Ralph Cassar
The coronavirus effect
Michael Falzon
Leadership in times of crisis
Raphael Vassallo
Why the Coronavirus matters... and why Pete Buttigieg is out – for now
Should former empires return removed relics (and do we get the sword back)?
How can you control those who are out of control?
And the construction machine keeps bulldozing on…
Queues and empty shelves reveal our fear of an uncertain future
Grab the money and run
Michael Falzon
If Malta broke international law… so did the European Commission
Why do Christians wear ashes on Ash Wednesday?
‘Like’ and ‘Share’ are the new guns and tanks
Great, so when do we get La Valette’s sword back?
No one knows anything
Michael Falzon
What's €35 to you?
Josanne Cassar
‘Politics pollutes policing’
Raphael Vassallo
The PL-PN duopoly is finally fraying. And in ways least expected | Godfrey Baldacchino
Tear down the wall...
Raphael Vassallo
A house divided against itself
Michael Falzon