Caruana Galizia family to be parties in Yorgen Fenech's constitutional case over bail
Malta freemasons deny claims of involvement in Caruana Galizia murder
Court orders presentation of Caruana Galizia tax returns
Degiorgio brothers claim Prime Minister breached their rights when calling them criminals
Carmel Chircop died with two gunshot wounds to the stomach
Yorgen Fenech marks 500th day in custody with constitutional case for bail
Schembri expected to miss forthcoming court sittings due to treatment for tumour
Caruana Galizia and Chircop murders: George Degiorgio bought the Maya but boat ownership was on his brother Alfred
Degiorgios file Constitutional case over refusal of pardon in Daphne murder
Joseph Muscat files for libel over social media post claiming he blew up Caruana Galizia
After Chircop murder, wife settled for €165,000 payment from Agius over €600,000 debt
Malta ‘rule of law’ resolution sees landslide MEP approval with over 600 votes
Daphne Caruana Galizia murder: Degiorgio brothers make second pardon request
Daphne murder | 'Powerful' gang was surprised to end up in jail, Koħħu testifies
Silvio Debono drops libel cases against Daphne Caruana Galizia following settlement
MEPs begin drawing up contentious resolution on rule of law in Malta
Daphne murder: Yorgen Fenech sought private flight, tried moving cash from Dubai before arrest
Fenech lawyer requests Caruana Galizia’s tax returns in €5 million damages claim
Vince Muscat testimony in Daphne murder inquiry to be seen in Degiorgio case, judge rules
Caruana Galizia murder: Judge to rule whether Vince Muscat's police statements will be included in Degiorgio brothers case
Panama, Electrogas, 17 Black, Daphne: a timeline of the allegations against the Muscat administration
Malta needs legislation criminalising violence against journalists - media freedom coalition
Degiorgios make public statement on direct evidence of political link to Daphne murder
Ministerial links: the Degiorgios and their pardons
Yorgen Fenech statement revisited: how magnate accused Schembri of Daphne murder
MEPs on latest revelations in Daphne murder: ‘She is still working for the truth’
Caruana Galizia murder: Melvin Theuma knew of money laundering investigation against him
Labour MEP ahead of Daphne debate: ‘European Parliament cannot act as a court’
[WATCH] Cardona was arrested over 2010 HSBC heist, Azzopardi declares in House
Degiorgio brothers request pardon to reveal ex-minister’s involvement in Caruana Galizia murder
MEPs will debate latest Caruana Galizia assassination revelations
European Parliament decision on Caruana Galizia murder debate expected on Tuesday
[WATCH] PN leader convinced Yorgen Fenech was not alone in masterminding Caruana Galizia murder
Kohhu wants second pardon to tell all about another murder and two failed armed robberies
‘Over our dead bodies’: Labour MEP squares up to EPP onslaught over Daphne murder
Lawyer Arthur Azzopardi sues Simon Mercieca over murder claims
Cardona says Kohhu testimony is ‘pure evil fiction’
We spied on Daphne till 2am, ‘Maksar’ gang gave us the bomb: Koħħu lays out murder plot
Koħħu on Daphne plot: ‘David Gatt gave us the thumbs-up. George said Keith il-Kasco must have told him’
Portelli asked Yorgen Fenech to help him leak stories to Labour about Delia foes