Muscat given Thursday deadline to respond to Busuttil’s money laundering inquiry request
Unacceptable for half the country not to be represented in parliament – Muscat
[WATCH] Half of Labour Party election candidates to be female by 2027
Likeability is still a factor in Maltese politics
PN condemns Muscat’s appointment of l-Orizzont editor
Muscat: PN’s marriage equality proposal would have created ‘social apartheid’
Prime Minister inaugurates ‘eternal flame’ monument at Castille
Muscat tests conservative PN MPs by calling vote on gay marriage Bill
If it made things ‘simpler’, Muscat would take blame for migration
‘What the leader says, goes’
Raphael Vassallo
The first law of holes
Michael Falzon
Muscat on Marriage Equality Bill: ‘We will not compromise on our principles’
[WATCH] Scicluna: Muscat asked me to contest deputy leader position
Marriage equality not limited to same-sex couples
Anglu Farrugia reconfirmed speaker as Parliament opens for 13th legislature
Muscat says EU should ban sale of dinghies to Libya to stem immigration
A new mandate and a fresh start
Josanne Cassar
Muscat presents €35,000 donation from auctioned personal car
A vote for change
Evarist Bartolo
Reinventing the PN
Michael Falzon
Malta is the target here, not Muscat
Raphael Vassallo
Muscat: People in the public eye should be able to ‘take the heat’
[WATCH] Financial services regulator to continue being strengthened 'under OPM guidance'
Harness and proactively regulate disruptive digital innovations, Muscat urges
‘I’m going to tell on you’
Josanne Cassar
[ANALYSIS] The new switchers in the 2017 elections
Muscat: ‘Panama debate shows PN MEPs have learned nothing from election
Muscat puts up staunch defence as MEPs take Malta to task over tax and Panama
On changing the PN, tread carefully
Behind Muscat’s victory – winning people’s hearts
[ANALYSIS] Muscat’s exit strategy takes politics into uncharted territory
Prime Minister faces grilling by MEPs on Panama Papers, Malta’s rule of law
Campaign strategy? What strategy?
Raphael Vassallo
Muscat now faces MEPs in debate on rule of law
What we learnt from this election
Josanne Cassar
Lighting a flame
Saviour Balzan
Muscat at victory mass meeting: ‘Malta must unite like never before’
[WATCH] Muscat extends olive branch to Busuttil: ‘I was mistaken’
[WATCH] Muscat's ministers, parliamentary secretaries take oath of office
[WATCH] Prime Minister announces Cabinet of Ministers
Election 2017
Jeanelle Mifsud / Yannick Pace