Muscat slams charges against Fredrick Azzopardi: ‘This mistaken decision carries consequences’
Ursula goes to Baku...
Joseph Muscat will lead premier football clubs association
Rebranding Muscat: redemption through football magic?
Micallef rebuffed by Maltese football clubs: Joseph Muscat sole candidate for job
[WATCH] Top football clubs coy on Joseph Muscat being the next president of their association
Football clubs vote for former PM Joseph Muscat to head their association
Home Affairs Minister denies Joseph Muscat contacted him over Iosif Galea’s arrest
Muscat claims having no relationship to arrested member of holiday party
PN piggybacks on Joseph Muscat to lambast government over ‘lack of economic vision’
Joseph Muscat salutes victory: ‘Labour movement stronger than ever’
Magistrate abstains in Joseph Muscat libel case, citing friendship with defendant
Crowds flock to Joseph Muscat on campaign trail for Glenn Bedingfield, Keith Tanti
Is Joseph Muscat welcome at Labour rallies? Abela evades the question
Muscat told Konrad Mizzi to answer PAC questions and not fall for MP provocations
Muscat: ‘I wanted to fade away but the police search was the straw that broke the camel’s back’
Another Cassola complaint for Hyzler to probe: Joseph Muscat’s Sa Maison office
Abela won’t comment on calls by Muscat for leaks about police search to be investigated
Muscat on Facebook: Efimova treated with kid gloves, calls for investigation into leak
Muscat’s leverage: spectre of a comeback that haunts Abela
Bedingfield accuses police of persecuting Muscat in House speech
Police searched Joseph Muscat Sa Maison office in Vitals probe
Does Muscat expect us to look the other way?
Muscat is a ‘Citizen Joe’, just like everyone else
Joseph Muscat evasive on claims his Accutor contract was worth €540,000
[WATCH] Grech: Abela worried, resorts to personal attacks after Muscat raid
Did Abela know of Muscat raid beforehand? ‘You should ask Jason Azzopardi’
[WATCH] Prime Minister reacts to Joseph Muscat police raid: ‘Institutions have to safeguard trust placed in them’
The price of Joseph Muscat’s legacy
Matthew Vella
Nationalist MP, former ministers hit back at Muscat’s revolving door claims
[WATCH] Repubblika files police report to investigate Muscat over consultancies
Muscat uses revolving-doors defence over call for investigations
Joseph Muscat must answer for his actions – Bernard Grech
Joseph Muscat received €60,000 from Swiss firm linked to Steward Healthcare
[WATCH] Grech says PN government will not fork out one cent to revoke ‘illegal, corrupt Steward deal’
Joseph Muscat expected to testify in Salvini trial over 2019 blocking of migrants
Standards chief finds no ethics breach in Joseph Muscat’s castle holiday gift in Italy
‘Bring it on’: Joseph Muscat goes on the defensive after calls for further Egrant investigation
Yorgen Fenech wants Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri to testify in his murder trial
A return to politics? Almost two-thirds of Labour voters agree with Joseph Muscat contesting next election