Russia claims control of salt mine town Soledar
While Russia claims control of Soledar, Ukraine says it maintains position in one of the bloodiest fight during this war
Brazil: Bolsonaro supporters storm Congress and presidential offices in siege
In a violent culmination of years of conspiracy theories advanced by far-rightist Bolsonaro and his allies, his supporters stormed the ‘Three Powers’ plaza in...
Australia's immigration minister accuses asylum seekers of lying

Australia's immigration minister accused asylum seekers of lying about...

Australia's immigration minister accused asylum seekers...

New anti-terror plan in Germany aims at criminalising the promotion of terrorism

The German interior minister has announced a number of proposals that include stripping dual nationals of their German passport if found to be fighting for...

The German interior minister has announced a number of...

Assange to be questioned inside Ecuadorian embassy

Swedish prosecutors investigating rape allegation will meet WikiLeaks founder...

Swedish prosecutors investigating rape allegation will meet...

Daesh fighters dwindle amid 'retreat on all fronts'

Top US authorities confirm the number of Daesh fighters has dwindled to roughly...

Top US authorities confirm the number of Daesh fighters has...

Wildfire in southern France leads hundreds to be evacuated

Hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes as wildfire creeps...

Hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes as...

Tensions rise in Crimea as Putin accuses Ukraine of terrorist attacks

Russian president Vladimir accuses Ukraine of terrorist attacks in...

Russian president Vladimir accuses Ukraine of terrorist...

Suspected chlorine attack kills at least three in Aleppo, Syria

Syrian Civil Defence and hospital authorities claim chlorine gas was used in...

Syrian Civil Defence and hospital authorities claim...

Canadian police kill 'terror suspect' in Ontario armed swoop

A terror suspect was killed during an intervention by Canada’s national...

A terror suspect was killed during an intervention by...

German interior minister mulling ban on full-face veils

Burqa and niqab to be proscribed as part of plan to boost surveillance, raise...

Burqa and niqab to be proscribed as part of plan to boost...

Madeira: Three dead as wildfires threaten capital

Residents using garden hosepipes and buckets of water to keep the flames at bay...

Residents using garden hosepipes and buckets of water to...

Australian census attacked by hackers

Two-thirds of the Australian population was prevented from taking part in this year's census after 'deliberate attacks from overseas hackers'

Two-thirds of the Australian population was prevented from...

Philippines President prompts summons with homophobic slur

The Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte sparked controversy...

The Philippines’ President Rodrigo...

2,000 leaked reports reveal scale of abuse in Australian offshore detention

Leaked reports show the large number of assault, sexual abuse, self-harm attempts and child abuse

Leaked reports show the large number of assault, sexual...

Brazil’s senate votes to hold impeachment trial for President Rousseff

The senate voted 59 to 21 in favour of going ahead with the trial against Rousseff

The senate voted 59 to 21 in favour of going ahead with the...

Duke of Westminster dies aged 64

Billionaire landowner the Duke of Westminster has died aged 64

Billionaire landowner the Duke of Westminster has died aged...

Indian campaigner to end 16-year hunger strike

A symbol of resistance against state violence in Manipur, Irom Chanu Sharmila...

A symbol of resistance against state violence in Manipur,...

Satellite pictures show China building reinforced hangars on disputed islands

China claims the constructions are multipurpose buildings, intended to serve all forms of civil needs, but also "necessary military...

China claims the constructions are multipurpose...

Forest fires ravage Northern Portugal

Emergency plan brought into action to combat first major fire outbreak this year

Emergency plan brought into action to combat first major...