San Marino votes itself out of ‘hypocritical reality’
Abortion referendum in microstate leaves Malta, Andorra and Vatican State as sole territories across the world where abortion is totally banned
Pandora Papers | EU grilled over John Dalli BVI company and pension package
An EU spokesperson said that there are no plans for action yet, but the Commission will evaluate whether there is scope for a reduction in his pension
Tunisian PM to shut down 80 mosques after terror attack
Updated | Greece to hold referendum over bailout terms

Greek Prime Minister calls a referendum on 5 July over a bailout deal with the...

Greek Prime Minister calls a referendum on 5 July over a...

Updated | Tunisia attack: One gunman was Tunisian, unknown to police

Multiple gunmen attacked a beach, shooting dead at least 27 people

Multiple gunmen attacked a beach, shooting dead at least 27...

Supreme court ruling makes same-sex marriage legal across all 50 states

In what may prove the most important civil rights case in a generation, five of the nine court justices determined that the right to marriage equality was...

In what may prove the most important civil rights case in a...

Four killed in IS attack on Kuwait City mosque

A witness said the bombing happened when the mosque was packed with some 2,000...

A witness said the bombing happened when the mosque was...

France 'terror attack' suspect arrested, Hollande: 'we must work on prevention, deterrence'

French President Francois Hollande leaves European Council meeting early to fly straight to Paris after ‘a terrorist attack’ left one man dead and...

French President Francois Hollande leaves European Council...

Man decapitated at French factory by attacker carrying IS flag

Several other people were hurt in the attack, although the extent of their...

Several other people were hurt in the attack, although the...

Morgues run out of space as Karachi heatwave death toll hits 1,000

The heat wave in the city of 20 million people coincided with severe...

The heat wave in the city of 20 million people coincided...

Chinese report blasts US human rights record

The report, sourced mainly from American media, criticises the rise in racial...

The report, sourced mainly from American media, criticises...

Sightseeing plane crashes, kills all nine on board in Alaska

Nine killed in a plane crash in East Alaska

Nine killed in a plane crash in East Alaska

France bans UberPOP after nationwide protests

Interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said the service was...

Interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said the service...

Second guard arrested for aiding prisoners' escape

A massive manhunt is still under way to find the pair, both convicted killers.

A massive manhunt is still under way to find the pair, both...

Libyan parliament backs UN peace plan

Internationally-recognised Libyan parliament backs U.N. peace plan and proposes amendments

Internationally-recognised Libyan parliament backs U.N....

Kurds, IS forces clash in Kobane

Kurdish forces drove IS forces from Kobane early this year after a long campaign backed by US-led air strikes.

Kurdish forces drove IS forces from Kobane early this year...

Mother and baby survive days in Colombian jungle after plane crash

Rescuers have called their survival 'a miracle'

Rescuers have called their survival 'a miracle'

IS destroys two shrines near Palmyra

It was the first reported damage to ancient sites since ISIL captured Palmyra, known as Tadmur in Arabic and famed for its UNESCO-listed Roman ruins.

It was the first reported damage to ancient sites since...

Debono Grech shills for Azerbaijan in debate on Aliyev’s deteriorating democracy

Labour MP says he is ‘not in favour of dictators’ but suggests removing Aliyev from power could send Azerbaijan down the route of Iraq and Libya

Labour MP says he is ‘not in favour of...

10 dead after young girl detonates explosives in Nigerian market

The young girl detonated explosives in the middle of a busy market in the town...

The young girl detonated explosives in the middle of a busy...