German election: narrow victory for centre-left SPD, as CDU polls historic low
Green Party achieve the best result in their party’s history, coming in third with 14.8% of the ballot and now are kingmakers in the forthcoming German government...
Germany’s and Europe’s next leader: an election of many outcomes
Germans vote today in an election that could see the centre-left social democrats lead a coalition that could come in any of four different formations – the polar...
Centre-right bloc wins Danish elections

The right-wing, anti-immigration Danish People's Party will become the second-largest in parliament.

The right-wing, anti-immigration Danish People's...

US mourns victims of Charleston shooting

The suspect, Dylann Roof, 21, was detained during a traffic stop in Shelby, North Carolina.

The suspect, Dylann Roof, 21, was detained during a traffic...

Emergency summit called after Greek debt talks reach impasse

Greece has less than two weeks to strike a deal with its creditors or face...

Greece has less than two weeks to strike a deal with its...

War, violent persecution, and Islamic State driving Mediterranean crisis

Human Rights Watch carries out 150 interviews with migrants detailing horrors that cause them to flee

Human Rights Watch carries out 150 interviews with migrants...

Denmark goes to the polls in close election

The centre-left coalition of PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and the centre-right...

The centre-left coalition of PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and...

Pope’s encyclical casts blame for climate change on indifference of the powerful

Pope Francis calls on the rich nations of the world to begin paying their “grave social debt” to the poor and take concrete steps on climate change.

Pope Francis calls on the rich nations of the world to...

UN refugee agency warns of ‘dangerous new era’

‘Dangerous era’ in in worldwide displacement as report shows...

‘Dangerous era’ in in worldwide...

Greece says deal on debt crisis unlikely at Thursday talks

Attention will also be focused on a speech by German Chancellor Angela Merkel...

Attention will also be focused on a speech by German...

Haitians face deportation as Dominican Republic deadline approaches

The Dominican government says the changes to its nationality and immigration...

The Dominican government says the changes to its...

'IS did not win Ramadi, Iraqi forces withdrew' - Anti-jihadi coalition

Iraqi security forces have been plagued by incompetent leaders, some of whom were political appointees, and dozens of officers have been sacked over the past...

Iraqi security forces have been plagued by incompetent...

Nine killed in South Carolina church shooting

A meeting was going on inside the churchwhen the shooting occurred

A meeting was going on inside the churchwhen the shooting...

Man dies in Germany from Mers virus complications

Doctors treated the man for the respiratory virus after he fell ill and later...

Doctors treated the man for the respiratory virus after he...

Fifa investigation: Swiss banks flagged suspicious account activity

Fifa is facing claims of widespread corruption after Swiss police raided a...

Fifa is facing claims of widespread corruption after Swiss...

Hong Kong to debate electoral reform

Although the government's reform proposal would for the first time give all residents the right to vote for the chief executive in 2017, it adheres to a...

Although the government's reform proposal would for the...

16 dead after Syrian regime air strikes

More than 230,000 Syrians have died in the civil war, which began after anti-government protests in March 2011.

More than 230,000 Syrians have died in the civil war, which...

Greek exit concern pushes Bitcoin value up 7%

Bitcoin, a web-based "cryptocurrency" invented six years ago, is not...

Bitcoin, a web-based "cryptocurrency" invented...

China set to complete land reclamation on South China Sea islands

China stepped up its creation of artificial islands last year, a move that has...

China stepped up its creation of artificial islands last...

Mursi sentenced to death by Egyptian court

Earlier, the court sentenced Mursi to life in prison in a separate case related...

Earlier, the court sentenced Mursi to life in prison in a...