New climate change report is ‘code red for humanity’, UN chief warns
A new report on climate change says it is a statement of fact that humans are warming the planet and unless deep cuts in damaging emissions are done a key temperature limit could...
EU medicines agency approves Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for youths aged 12 to 17
Malta now has the option to administer Pfizer and Moderna jabs to under-17s
Mass graves of suspected migrants found in Malaysia

Police discover 30 large graves containing remains of hundreds of people near...

Police discover 30 large graves containing remains of...

Landslide Irish referendum result favours gay marriage

62% vote in favour of constitutional amendement, allowing same sex couples to...

62% vote in favour of constitutional amendement, allowing...

Rebel commander Alexei Mozgovoi killed in Ukraine

Top separitist commander in eastern Ukraine killed after bomb attack and...

Top separitist commander in eastern Ukraine killed after...

Cleveland protests erupt after officer’s acquittal over fatal shooting

Clevalnd officer Michael Brelo found not guilty of killing unarmed black man and woman after a high-speed car chase in 2012

Clevalnd officer Michael Brelo found not guilty of killing...

German woman, 65, gives birth to quadruplets

Doctors had criticised mother’s decision to have fertilised eggs implanted

Doctors had criticised mother’s decision to have...

Updated | Yes vote to enjoy near clean sweep in Irish same-sex marriage referendum

Irish Times says same-sex marraige on course to be approve by Ireland

Irish Times says same-sex marraige on course to be approve...

Ireland goes to the polls on same-sex marriage

Ireland holds referendum on same-sex marriage, with counting expected to start...

Ireland holds referendum on same-sex marriage, with...

Prisoners in Ukraine admit to being part of Russian army

Russia insists that the two men were no longer in the service of the Russian...

Russia insists that the two men were no longer in the...

IS seizes last Syria-Iraq crossing

IS makes further strategig wins in Syria and Iraq

IS makes further strategig wins in Syria and Iraq

Libya demands restitution of assets held by Gaddafi’s Malta company

BOV credit card statements show profligate spending of Muatassim Gaddafi, slain...

BOV credit card statements show profligate spending of...

Malaysia orders rescue of Rohingya migrants stranded at sea

About 7,000 people are believed to be stranded at sea.

About 7,000 people are believed to be stranded at sea.

'Legal migration channels more effective than destroying boats' - Human Rights Watch

The organisation called for an assessment of the implications of the military operation, including the risk it will increase the dangers of boat migration...

The organisation called for an assessment of the...

California declares state of emergency after oil spill

Up to 400,000 litres spilled from an onshore pipe and a fifth of that, 80,000...

Up to 400,000 litres spilled from an onshore pipe and a...

Ancient Syrian city of Palmyra falls to IS

The ancient city, once a Silk Road hub and one of the cultural centres of the...

The ancient city, once a Silk Road hub and one of the...

Fishermen rescue hundreds of refugees off Indonesia

The rescue occurred hours before the governments of Malaysia and Indonesia...

The rescue occurred hours before the governments of...

Germanwings crash: All victims identified

The plane was deliberately crashed into the French Alps in March by the...

The plane was deliberately crashed into the French...

Ukranian President says country should prepare for Russian offensive

President Petro Poroshenko says the Ukraine is in a 'real war' with...

President Petro Poroshenko says the Ukraine is in a...

Iraqi government calls for volunteers to fight IS

 Iraqi government has called for volunteers to join the fight against the...

 Iraqi government has called for volunteers to join...